New York Post

Zuck: 86’ing ‘230’ bad idea

- Nicolas Vega

Mark Zuckerberg agrees that “Section 230” needs to change, but he doesn’t recommend changing it too much.

The Facebook CEO warned on Tuesday that there could be bad consequenc­es to rolling back protection­s from Section 230 of the Communicat­ions Decency Act — a 1996 landmark federal law that gives online platforms some legal protection­s from the content posted by their users.

In prepared testimony he’s slated to deliver Wednesday on Capitol Hill, Zuckerberg warned that eliminatin­g Section 230 protection­s could actually result in more censorship on the Web, as companies will actively seek to avoid publishing anything that could get them into legal trouble. Without the law, he says, tech companies could face liability for doing even basic moderation, such as removing hate speech and harassment.

“Without Section 230, platforms could potentiall­y be held liable for everything people say,” Zuckerberg said in prepared remarks to the Senate Commerce Committee.

Still, he added that “Congress should update the law to make sure it’s working as intended,” and that “We stand ready to work with Congress on what regulation in these areas could look like.”

Zuckerberg is scheduled to testify to the Senate panel along with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google boss Sundar Pichai.

Section 230 has been blasted by Democrats and Republican­s alike, including President Trump, who have questioned content-moderation decisions taken by the companies. Republican­s have accused Big Tech of concealing an anti-conservati­ve bias, a claim that the companies strongly deny.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai this month sent shock waves through Silicon Valley when he announced plans to “clarify the meaning” of Section 230 following backlash against Twitter and Facebook for blocking links to The Post’s story on Hunter Biden’s e-mails.

 ??  ?? Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who also will appear before the Senate panel, has locked The Post’s Twitter account since Oct. 14 even though he said Twitter was “wrong” for the way it blocked The Post’s Hunter Biden exposé.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who also will appear before the Senate panel, has locked The Post’s Twitter account since Oct. 14 even though he said Twitter was “wrong” for the way it blocked The Post’s Hunter Biden exposé.
 ??  ?? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is under fire for limiting the sharing of The Post’s stories about Hunter Biden’s business e-mails, will push today for Congress to maintain an FCC provision that grants legal protection­s to online platforms.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is under fire for limiting the sharing of The Post’s stories about Hunter Biden’s business e-mails, will push today for Congress to maintain an FCC provision that grants legal protection­s to online platforms.

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