New York Post

Biden pushes Don: Sign relief bill!

- Mary Kay Linge

President-elect Joe Biden urged President Trump Saturday to sign the coronaviru­s relief bill — as the commander in chief repeated his demand that the “measly” measure must include more generous stimulus checks for eligible Americans.

In a statement posted to Twitter, Biden warned that Trump’s “abdication of responsibi­lity” would have “devastatin­g consequenc­es.”

“Today, about 10 million Americans will lose unemployme­nt insurance benefits. In just a few days, government funding will expire, putting vital services and paychecks for military personnel at risk,” Biden wrote.

“Delay means more small businesses won’t survive this dark winter because they lack access to the lifeline they need, and Americans face further delays in getting the direct payments they deserve as quickly as possible to help deal with the economic devastatio­n caused by COVID-19,” he added.

Earlier, Trump — who refused to sign a $2.3 trillion bill that combined COVID-19 relief and government funding before leaving Washington on Wednesday — again insisted the measure does more for special interests than everyday Americans.

“I simply want to get our great people $2000, rather than the measly $600 that is now in the bill,” he tweeted Saturday. “Also, stop the billions of dollars in ‘pork’.”

Later, he tweeted that “lockdowns in Democrat run states” are what is “absolutely ruining the lives of so many people.”

Trump voiced 11th hour opposition Tuesday to the $900 billion aid package that took House and Senate negotiator­s months to hammer out, arguing that it was stuffed with pork and that the $600 direct relief checks were simply too stingy.

The measure, paired with a massive $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill that would fund the federal government through September, passed with huge bipartisan margins on Monday — but the president’s resistance has driven a wedge between members of his own party, most of whom have balked at his demands for changes.

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