New York Post

No one is laughing at your ‘joke,’ Andy

- By SAM RASKIN, BERNADETTE HOGAN, KATE SHEEHY and AARON FEIS Additional reporting by Bruce Golding and Natalie Musumeci

Gov. Cuomo’s characteri­zation of his alleged sexual harassment as him merely “being playful” and making “jokes” fell flat on Monday, with one of his accusers and Mayor de Blasio both slamming the “nonapology.”

Cuomo, 63, offered the defense on Sunday, a day after Charlotte Bennett became the second former staffer in a matter of days to accuse the governor of sexual harassment.

“As we know, abusers — particular­ly those with tremendous amounts of power — are often repeat offenders who engage in manipulati­ve tactics to diminish allegation­s, blame victims, deny wrongdoing and escape consequenc­es,” Bennett, 25, said in a statement on Monday.

“It took the governor 24 hours and significan­t backlash to allow for a truly independen­t investigat­ion. These are not the actions of someone who simply feels misunderst­ood; they are the actions of an individual who wields his power to avoid justice.”

Bennett (inset top) told The New York Times in a piece published on Saturday that Cuomo last year made offcolor comments to her and asked probing questions about her sex life, leaving her convinced the divorced father of three “wanted to sleep with” her.

The allegation came three days after another former Cuomo staffer, Lindsey Boylan (inset bottom), 36, alleged that the governor kissed her on the lips without warning and suggested they pass time on a flight by playing strip poker.

Facing bipartisan outrage, Cuomo issued a statement on Sunday saying he made “jokes” that could have been misconstru­ed as “unwanted flirtation” but denying any untoward intent and maintainin­g that he never touched anyone inappropri­ately.

De Blasio jeered the response from his frequent political foe on Monday.

“The governor issued a total nonapology earlier and in effect treated sexual harassment as some kind of laughing matter,” the mayor told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “It’s not a joke. It’s very, very serious stuff.

“When I read the account of what Charlotte Bennett went through, I cringed. Here’s someone who can determine whether she had a job or not, whether she has a career or not, literally suggesting in front of her all sorts of perverse sexual possibilit­ies, and she’s alone in a room with him. Think about how grotesque that is.”

Asked if Cuomo should resign if the claims are true, de Blasio said yes.

The Cuomo administra­tion, meanwhile, gave state Attorney General Letitia James a green light on Monday to launch an independen­t probe.

“This is not a responsibi­lity we take lightly, as allegation­s of sexual harassment should always be taken seriously,” James said.

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