New York Post

CPAC hotel boycott threat

- Lisa Fickensche­r

Hyatt is facing a firestorm of criticism for hosting the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference because of a stage design that resembled Nazi symbolism.

Critics have threatened to boycott the hotel chain for allowing CPAC organizers to build a stage that resembled a Nordic othala rune, which the Nazis reportedly adopted as a symbol of a superior Aryan race.

Actress Rosanna Arquette tweeted, “Hey Hyatt hotels …hosting a fascist Nazi convention is the antithesis of inclusiven­ess. You have made a grave error in judgment. The imminent Boycotts you are going to feel for years to come.”

“Not an accident,” actress Debra Messing tweeted.

Hyatt issued a statement on the weekend boycott threats Sunday even after President Trump delivered his much-anticipate­d speech. The chain defended its decision to host the conference and said it raised concerns about the stage design to organizers to no avail.

“When we learned that CPAC 2021 stage design had been compared to a symbol of hate, we promptly raised this concern with meeting organizers who strongly denied any connection to such symbols,” it added of the stage. “Unfortunat­ely, this became clear to us only after the event kicked off.”

“We believe in the right of individual­s and organizati­ons to peacefully express their views, independen­t of the degree to which the perspectiv­es of those hosting meetings and events at our hotels align with ours,” the hotel said of its decision to host the conference.

CPAC organizer Matt Schlapp has denied that the conference modeled the stage after Nazi symbolism, calling the allegation­s “outrageous and slanderous.”

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