New York Post

Fight the Language Police


Manhattan’s elite Grace Church School recently issued a 12-page guide that takes the inevitable next step in rampant “woke-ism”: In the name of inclusivit­y, the NoHo prep school is encouragin­g students to stop using the words “mom,” “dad” and even “parents.” This isn’t just hogwash, but something far worse.

“Families are formed and structured in many ways. At Grace Church School, we use inclusive language that reflects this diversity,” smarms the guide. Some families are different, so it’s rude to get into too much detail about your family? So much for celebratin­g difference: Now you’re literally not supposed to speak words that acknowledg­e it.

Go for “grown-ups,” “folks,” “family” or “guardians” instead of “mom and dad” or even “my two mommies.” Drop “nanny” for “caregiver.” The guide spells out more “proper” terms on gender, sexual orientatio­n, race and ethnicity.

In the UK, the University of Manchester has also scrapped the words “mother” and “father” for “guardians.” Its guide also nixes “elderly,” “pensioners” and “youngsters” for sterile terms such as “over-65s, 75s and so on.”

For more correct thought, check out the tips on Newspeak in “1984.”

Seriously: This isn’t about sensitivit­y, it’s about thought control. As Glenn Harlan Reynolds wrote recently in The Post, it’s time to stop playing along with these people’s delusion that this stuff is “deeply moral” and call it out for the power trip it actually is.

Mother’s Day is May 9 this year; Father’s Day, June 20. Please celebrate them both joyfully.

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