New York Post

The Cost of ‘Soft on Crime’: Another Senseless Death


How many more innocent people, and specifical­ly mothers, is Mayor de Blasio willing to sacrifice in the name of the defund-the-police movement (“Stray shot kills mom,” March 14)?

To see a 37-year-old woman senselessl­y killed because gang-member punks think it’s OK to fire weapons on a public street is unforgivab­le. Two more young children now have to grow up without a mother. Does this count for something?

Mayor Rudy Giulani showed how to solve the problem by getting guns off the street. But, of course, de Blasio had to disband the task force that so successful­ly did the job.

Can the people of this city understand once and for all that to elect another Democrat when de Blasio’s reign is over will mean more of the same? Saul Mishaan


With the killing of innocent mom Gudelia Vallinas, another senseless death has occurred in New York City.

It’s time for the de Blasio administra­tion to crack down on crime.

Hire more cops, and let the Guardian Angels assist. It’s not even safe to take a subway ride any more. Matt Engel

Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Who could not feel the anguish for the senseless death of Gudelia Vallinas or feel the rage at the radical politician­s who created the situation and allowed crime to skyrocket?

Shootings are up 50 percent all over the city. Working-class residents are just pawns in the Democrats’ woke agenda to close all jails and defund the police. To what end?

We all know that harassment and assaults on women have been tolerated from the top down for a very long time.

However, that needs to change now. We need to wake up and vote every one of the Democrats out of office and right this ship. Kathryn Donnelly


De Blasio and the social-justice-warrior prosecutor­s and politician­s have turned New York City into a criminal paradise.

The streets are a filthy, disgusting mess, plagued by garbage and crime. It’s not safe to ride the trains or take the subway.

Housing projects have become war zones, and zero effort has been made by the Democrats overwhelmi­ngly elected to serve the people in these communitie­s.

When will New Yorkers look around and realize they are alone in the war on crime and punishment? The people they have elected year after year are a colossal failure. Theresa O’Brien


 ??  ?? Mayor de Blasio
Mayor de Blasio

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