New York Post

Judge’s Loony Leniency: Setting a Gunslinger Free


● How many people have to die for these idiot judges to realize that “leniency” doesn’t turn violent, recidivist criminals into good citizens (“Free to kill,” June 10)?

If anything, it encourages their psychopath­y and teaches them that there is essentiall­y no punishment at all for their violent acts.

Innocent and good people get hurt because judges like acting Criminal Court judge Denis Boyle try more to show just how liberal they can be.

If anything, these judges are even more guilty than the perpetrato­rs they treat with kid gloves, because they should know better.

Thanks to jerks like this judge, our lives become that much more endangered — all in the name of deadly, blind and inexplicab­ly stupid “liberalism.”

Norman Gold West Hempstead

● I don’t think I’ve ever been so emotional while submitting a letter to The Post.

I’m filled with both rage and sadness while looking at the photos of a defiant reputed punk gangmember, a clueless judge and a grieving family.

Would Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Maya Wiley suggest group therapy in lieu of incarcerat­ion for Alberto Ramirez?

T. King


● Judge Boyle reminds me of the hand-wringing, breast-beating progressiv­e jurists who contribute­d enormously to the decline of New York City in the 1960s and 1970s with their revolvingd­oor sense of justice.

I guess Judge “Cut ’Em

Loose” Bruce Wright was Boyle’s inspiratio­n. It is evident that Boyle, like all too many other New York jurists past and present, regards criminals as the true victims of a racist society, which is entirely to blame for their behavior.

Now a law-abiding minority father of two is dead, apparently thanks to Boyle’s decision to dramatical­ly lower bail on this clearly violent and dangerous gunslinger.

It is doubtful that a liberal ideologue like Boyle will lose any sleep over this, any more than he lost sleep over the various victims of other miscreants that he let loose on the citizenry of this city over the objections of prosecutor­s.

Dennis Middlebroo­ks


● Judges are supposed to possess a lot of wisdom, so why does Judge Boyle seem to have less wisdom than a wisdom tooth?

Two months after Alberto Ramirez was arrested for an October shooting, he was re-arrested for another gun crime.

Yet after his bail was set to only $2,000, Boyle set him free with no bail. After a third gun arrest in February, Ramirez was again locked up — until Boyle lowered his $75,000 bail to $10,000, thus enabling Ramirez to be free to allegedly shoot Eric Velasquez to death on May 16.

That’s not surprising, since Judge Boyle had previously released man slaughter charged Jordan Benjamin so that he was free to slash a young woman across her abdomen (and yet be re-released on $3,500 bail).

I daresay that Boyle’s public-be-damned judicial decisions make him somewhat akin to a boil on the backside of justice.

Richard Siegelman


● It would be interestin­g and enlighteni­ng if a question was posed to mayoral and district attorney candidates regarding the cover subject “Free to Kill” in the June 10 paper.

How do candidates feel about Alberto Ramirez being freed with his prior arrests and then allegedly randomly killing Eric Velasquez? How would each of them address the issue of the shooter being freed numerous times?

This isn’t about police, this question is about policy regarding imprisonme­nt, bail, safety and how they want to run New York City.

Peter Wunsch East Hampton

● Judge Boyle has blood on his hands.

He has repeatedly set free thugs who go on to hurt innocent people. RIP, Eric Velasquez.

Laura Whitley Garden City

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