New York Post

This principal is lacking principles

Outrageous bid to end year early

- By SELIM ALGAR Education Reporter

A Manhattan principal was caught trying to wind her school down for the summer more than a week early — while still having kids sign in each day in order to cover her tracks, The Post has learned.

School of the Future chief Stacy Goldstein sent an e-mail to families Thursday saying that there would be no in-person or remote classes this week — but that kids still had to sign in electronic­ally to satisfy attendance requiremen­ts.

Angry parents said no explanatio­n was given for the early conclusion to a tumultuous school year.

“Even though there will be no in-person or remote school tomorrow through 6/25 we will need to take attendance for the whole school (6th-11th grades) tomorrow and next week,” the e-mail read.

Parents told The Post they were angered by the sudden severance — especially given the limited instructio­n their kids were offered at the Gramercy Park school this year.

“You should never end school early,” said one mom. “But if there was ever a year for more instructio­n rather than less, this was it. There was a lot of frustratio­n over this. They’re having kids sign in for classes that aren’t happening to cover themselves.”

A Department of Education spokespers­on shut down the attempt at an early summer Friday.

“Our students need to be learning every single day of the school year, and a school communicat­ion suggesting otherwise is not acceptable,” said the spokespers­on, Danielle Filson. “The principal is following up with the entire school community to clarify that students will be attending school and receiving instructio­n until June 25.”

School of the Future officials sent out a new guidance after Filson’s statement Friday.

“I would like to clarify the schedule for next week,” Goldstein wrote. “I apologize for my miscommuni­cation. Next week, we have regular attendance days, meaning that all students are meant to be present whether in person or remote following their usual schedule.”

Parents said they were already bristling at meager in-person ingrades struction at the 6-12 school this year. Last week’s debacle, they said, punctuated their concerns on the cusp of summer.

“The administra­tors here basically do as they please,” the mom said. “And if you raise any objections, then you’re invited to enroll your kids somewhere else.”

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 ??  ?? FUTURE ‘TENSE’: School of the Future head Stacy Goldstein told [parents there would be attendance but no classes its last week. The DOE disagreed.
FUTURE ‘TENSE’: School of the Future head Stacy Goldstein told [parents there would be attendance but no classes its last week. The DOE disagreed.

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