New York Post

Still in the driver’s seat


“THELMA and Louise” turning 30 this year was just commemorat­ed with a charity drive-in viewing in LA. Its Susan Sarandon raised funds for a food bank. For Geena Davis it was her Institute on Gender in Media.

Geena: “We’ve stayed friends. We saw the movie five years ago at the 25th anniversar­y. Although it became a modern classic, some said we women were too pushy 30 years ago, which struck a nerve when it came out and shocked us.”

Susan: “Not everybody loved it and there was push back. I thought it was like ‘Butch Cassidy

and the Sundance Kid,’ which wasn’t offensive so why’d this be offensive? It was cars instead of horses. I guess two women in the same movie who don’t hate each other was thought unusual.”

Yeah. Today, too.

Checking out

LAST week, New York Public Library President Tony Marx, who opened a $200 million second library across from those two fat lions that guard the big one on 42nd and 5th, says:

“In what once was Arnold Constable department store we have eight floors, 400,000 volumes, free tutoring in English language, computer skills, employment experts, classes in coding, broadcasti­ng, computer skills, tax help — all free.

“Plus treasures. We have the only copy of a Christophe­r Columbus letter sent to his king in which he actually writes ‘I think I found something.’ Four weeks after his return, stranded in Portugal due to strong winds, he forwarded this by horseback. Belonged to someone who ran into hard times, sold it to a collector and it’s now in our possession. Imagine . . . this first historic notice . . . Columbus’ own letter . . . mentioning the actual discovery of the New World.

“We also own an original Bill of Rights. Washington and Congress wrote 14 copies on parchment — 13, one each per

state, one they

kept. We know 10 amendments. It contains 12. Omitted were two. What to pay people in Congress and two: Jefferson wrestled with the slavery issue while trying to found our country.

“Jefferson’s own draft says George, King of England, imposed the slave trade on this new land and we should end it. Fellow Southerner­s said we can’t have that paragraph in there. Thus, the official document omitted this.

“Imagine a young person seeing this original draft and saying, ‘What would have happened had that stayed in? Would slavery have then ended without the Civil War?”

Welcome to Holly-won’t

ARIS Anagnos, some real-estate brain in California, sent me this: Ocean view estate. Newly built. Exclusive street. 1741 Correa Way. One of the best viewing bluffs in Mandeville Canyon. Every room overlooks Catalina Island; 12,000 square feet of living space, infinite pool, wine cellar, gym, four-car garage. World class. Unique.

I don’t care. Why he sent me this, who knows. My idea of our far

west is the Delaware Water Gap.

GOLDIE Hawn and Kurt Russell inhaling pastrami hash at Brooklyn Diner. Rita Moreno toasting her documentar­y at Chelsea’s Socarrat Paella Bar. Mouths are opening as are restaurant­s like Bond 45.

And that’s only in New York, kids, only in New York.

 ?? Cindy Adams ??
Cindy Adams

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