New York Post

‘Angel’ in the outfield


Reader Dennis Middlebroo­ks of Brooklyn chides me and the rest of New York media for ignoring Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa, and assuming that Eric Adams will automatica­lly win the November election.

The Post has been covering the Guardian Angels founder, but it is true that Adams gets the lion’s share of ink, given the ironclad arithmetic of voter affiliatio­n in this city where Democrats outnumber Republican­s six to one.

But Middlebroo­ks points out that it doesn’t have to be that way: “I am nonreligio­us, pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, and anti-vouchers and tax credits for private school tuition. Yet I intend to vote for Curtis Sliwa for mayor, and I suspect I am not the only one with similar ‘progressiv­e’ views who will do so. He is an upfront law and order candidate, and rising crime is the major issue confrontin­g the city. The Democratic party in NYC and NY state is utterly corrupt and ideologica­lly bankrupt. Both the city and state have gone down the tubes under Democratic rule.”

As a former Democrat, Middlebroo­ks is “through with the party on the local and state level, and possibly the national level as well, with the qualificat­ion that I would never vote Republican on the national level.”

He likely speaks for a lot of New Yorkers dismayed as they watch their beloved city deteriorat­e. Sliwa will have to work hard to get enough to cross party lines, but no one can doubt his bona fides on fighting crime.

And if Adams keeps hanging out with Gov. Cuomo, who is as much to blame for today’s crime wave as anyone, he’ll find his support slipping fast.

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