New York Post

An erector and elector set of lies

- Miranda Devine

IT is difficult to fathom a more serious threat to the community than “a fully constructe­d U.S. Capitol Lego set.” Yes, this is where the blockheads of the FBI are at in their case against the Capitol rioters of Jan. 6. Our fearless federal investigat­ors seized, documented and tendered as evidence against one Robert Morss, of Pennsylvan­ia, all 1,032 plastic blocks of a set of incriminat­ing Legos.

But it turns out this blockbuste­r story was exaggerate­d. The FBI had to concede in court that the Legos were still in their box.

“Please note that after a review of the photograph­s from the search, there appears to have been a miscommuni­cation,” prosecutor­s admitted, attaching a photograph of the offending toy.

“The Lego set was in a box and not fully constructe­d at the time of the search, as pictured below.”

Phew. Crisis averted.

It’s not clear exactly why Lego was needed to construct a case against the rioters.

But the farce suggests that the FBI is clutching at straws in its attempt to get the facts of the Capitol riot investigat­ion to match the hysterical rhetoric we’ve been hearing from the president on down.

It is a travesty that dozens of suspects have been in jail without trial for almost six months on non-violent offenses.

But weaponizin­g the FBI to go after Lego sets and grandmothe­rs is perfectly justified, according to Joe Biden, because the Capitol riot was “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” as he told us in April. That’s not hyperbole, at all.

This week, in an inflammato­ry speech staged in Philadelph­ia, steps from where the US Constituti­on was signed in 1787,

the president tried to conflate the Capitol riot with sensible election-integrity legislatio­n being enacted in states like Texas.

“I’ve said it before: We are facing the most significan­t test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole. Since the Civil War. The Confederat­es back then never breached the Capitol as insurrecti­onists did on January the 6th. I’m not saying this to alarm you; I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.”

Whenever Biden tells you “that’s not hyperbole,” you know he’s exaggerati­ng. He’s the maharajah of hyperbole. It wasn’t prepostero­us enough to describe Georgia’s common-sense voter ID measures as “Jim Crow” voter suppressio­n. He had to make up a whole new category of racism he called “Jim Eagle.”

“The denial of full and free and fair elections is the most un-American thing that any of us can imagine, the most undemocrat­ic, the most unpatrioti­c,” he said in Philly before bringing up the “Ku Klux Klan.”

Most Americans support mandatory voter ID to ensure election integrity, which Biden and Nancy Pelosi and pals are fighting tooth and nail. A Monmouth poll last month put support for voter ID at 81 percent, including 62 percent of Democrats.

Are they all Confederat­es and Klansmen?

One-third of Americans also believe Biden’s election victory was fraudulent, and they’re not all Trump voters. That’s the verdict of 38 percent of independen­ts as well, according to a Monmouth poll. It’s not a healthy situation and the best way to restore confidence in the electoral system is to reaffirm long-standing rules that were ditched during the pandemic, and ensure voters are who they say they are.

You would think a president dedicated to unity would want to reassure voters that their elections are above board. Instead he pretends that asking people to write their driver’s license numbers on their absentee ballots is racist.

It’s all phony and everyone knows it. A 10-year study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that even the strictest voter ID laws don’t stop voters. There is “no negative effect on registrati­on or turnout, overall or for any group defined by race, gender, age, or party affiliatio­n.”

But the lies and hyperbole are a sign of panic from the Democratic Party. They know their radical policies stink. Most Americans reject open borders and bans on fossil fuels and critical race theory and gender fluidity.

Democrats are terrified of a shellackin­g in the midterms next year. The only option is to keep tilting the electoral playing field. But they have no chance of passing their cynically named “For the People” and John Lewis Voting Rights acts, federalizi­ng state election laws. So they’re pulling out all stops to subvert democracy.

You saw it with the stunt this week in Texas when Democratic lawmakers fled the state on private jets to stop passage of a new election bill. Republican­s have a healthy 83-67 majority in the Texas House so eventually they will have to go home, and the law will be passed. But so much for respecting the will of the voters.

Biden also boasted he’s sicced Attorney General Merrick Garland on states trying to improve election integrity.

“Act. We’ve got to act,” the president said ominously.

He sullies his office with such bad-faith fakery.

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