New York Post

Putting Fauci in the Hot Seat


Thank you to the panel that allowed the expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to respond to accusation­s from Sen. Rand Paul (“Rand & Fauci clash,” July 21).

Since when is Sen. Paul an expert on coronaviru­s? Many people across the country would be more inclined to follow the teachings of a man who has dedicated his entire life to the field of medicine, science and microbiolo­gy.

This is not the first time that this senator has talked as if he knows more than these scientists. He has only made a fool of himself.

Thank you, Dr. Fauci, and thanks to all your associates, who have given us the right informatio­n on this deadly virus.

Sam King Manhattan

Sen. Paul was absolutely right to demand answers from Dr. Fauci regarding how the virus originated in Wuhan, China, at the congressio­nal hearing.

Fauci became arrogant and defensive because he did not like the questions. Kudos to Paul for having the courage to confront him.

The American people deserve no less than the whole truth from Fauci.

John Amato Fresh Meadow

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