New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Kerry J. Byrne, Wires

The revolver fired by Sheriff Pat Garrett to kill notorious Wild West outlaw Billy the Kid will soon hit the auction block — and is expected to sell for up to $3 million.

Kid, born Henry McCarty in New York City, was 21 when he was killed in New Mexico in 1881 after a brief life of mayhem and murder.

Cornhole enthusiast­s in Nebraska claim they’ve set a new record for longest game ever played.

Players began tossing bean bags at 8 a.m. Thursday at in Nebraska City.

By midday Friday they had surpassed the existing Guinness World Record for cornhole of 26 hours, 13 minutes — but kept playing right through Saturday.

An army of Ernest Hemingway look-alikes is parading around Key West again after a one-year hiatus caused by COVID-19.

The competitio­n is a 40year-old tradition in the community made famous by the author of “The Old Man and the Sea,” who lived in Key West in the 1930s.

The doppelgäng­ers mimic a later-years Hemingway, with bushy gray beard and generous girth.

The winner is crowned each year at Sloppy Joe’s, one of the writer’s favorite watering holes.

A London pub gives new meaning to the phrase booze hounds.

The After Bark bar opened in June with refreshing “pup-tails” such as the Barkarita, Bloodhound Mary, and Great Expawlor that canines can enjoy alongside their two-legged friends.

The drinks have no alcohol.

A tiny terrier is a hero after saving a 10-year-old Toronto girl from a terrifying encounter with a coyote.

Little Lily Kwan was walking with Macy, her family’s 6-year-old Yorkie, when the coyote began chasing them.

Macy confronted the coyote as Lily ran to safety, but ended up in intensive care with puncture wounds and an infection.

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