New York Post

Slow-Rolling Cuomo’s Impeachmen­t


One week after state Attorney General Tish James landed her bombshell report on Gov. Cuomo’s alleged sexual misconduct, New Yorkers learn that the Assembly is going to try to get to passing articles of impeachmen­t . . . by the end of August.

Figures: Speaker Carl Heastie greeted James’ report by saying it meant Cuomo “has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority” and “can no longer remain in office” — then gave the gov a week to submit his rebuttal to the Assembly Judiciary Committee.

That committee’s chairman, Charles Lavine (D-LI), said Monday, “Later this month we will discuss the evidence of this investigat­ion in an open and transparen­t manner.”

Not “later this week” but “later this month.” Any bets on them missing Heastie’s Aug. 31 deadline?

This, when lawmakers can easily justify impeachmen­t over the gov’s coverup of COVID-related nursing-home deaths (that James report landed in January), a coverup that plainly benefited him personally by enabling his $5 million book deal.

Does the speaker just hope Cuomo will quit first so the Assembly doesn’t have to do all the work of impeachmen­t? Or is he giving the gov more time to shore up his defense?

Team Cuomo reportedly got nowhere with feelers of a deal for no impeachmen­t if the gov drops plans to seek a fourth term next year — but delay can only give the governor hope that some such bargain is still possible.

Meanwhile, basic work doesn’t get done: The executive branch’s flops on delivering federal rent relief is only the most flagrant failing as the gov devotes all his energies to holding onto office.

Heastie & Co. need to quit stalling on impeachmen­t and move ahead at full speed. Cuomo needs to know that resignatio­n now is his best hope of avoiding worse.

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