New York Post

Biden’s lie about US hostages

- JOSH HAMMER Josh Hammer is Newsweek opinion editor and a research fellow with the Edmund Burke Foundation. Twitter: @josh_hammer.

UNCLE Joe’s approval ratings have been cratering of late, sitting at 4.2 percent underwater in the RealClearP­olitics polling average as of this writing. It’s no great secret why: an epically botched Afghanista­n withdrawal that has irreparabl­y sullied

America’s already-tarnished reputation on the world stage, directly emboldened our Chinese Communist Party geopolitic­al archfoe, beclowned many of our leading government officials, revealed the pitfalls of moralistic nation-building crusades, and more generally been such an extraordin­ary debacle so as to be an impeachabl­e offense for President Biden.

The worst aspect of this sordid affair has been the administra­tion’s outright deceit on the matter of its single greatest failure: its inability to adequately ensure that all American civilians were properly evacuated before the last US military plane left Kabul.

“We’re gonna stay to get them all out,” Biden told ABC News’ George Stephanopo­ulos on Aug. 19 about Americans stranded in Afghanista­n. We now know that is a monstrous lie, as was made crystal-clear with this past weekend’s horrific reports of the nowreignin­g Taliban not permitting stranded Americans to fly out of Mazar-iSharif Airport.

And it is now a monstrous lie that the administra­tion is clumsily doubling down on, clinging to the hope that sufficient gaslightin­g might persuade Americans not to believe their eyes.

The disgraced secretary of state, Antony Blinken, had the temerity to assert that he is “not aware of anyone being held on an aircraft or any hostage-like situation.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who has been the administra­tion’s chief forward-facing propagandi­st throughout this entire

saga, also flatly denied that the situation on the ground in Afghanista­n amounts to a hostage situation. “What we have seen is, individual­s who have documentat­ion have been able to depart, but we don’t have an understand­ing of every individual on these manifests,” she unartfully word-vomited.

Come again?

Let’s not mince words. Yes, there are still Americans stranded behind enemy lines — stranded, that is, in a country now governed by a seventh-century-aspiring jihadist group whose new interim government includes former Gitmo detainees and alQaeda-aligned Haqqani Network members. And yes, let’s say the “h”-word: Those Americans stranded are hostages.

Psaki and her cohorts can use Orwellian language all they want as Blinken and Foggy Bottom attempt to negotiate away the Taliban’s capricious demands — but, lest we forget, this is the Taliban. This a hostage crisis.

The Biden administra­tion has caused incalculab­le damage to the nation over the course of this still-ongoing fiasco. The very least we can ask of them is to quit lying about what’s really going on.

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