New York Post

A Disservice to Students: Grade-Fixing at Maspeth


The cheating at Maspeth HS is simply an egregious example of the grade compromise­s that ensue at most city high schools (“DOE is setting kids up for failure,” Editorial, Sept. 19).

In 48 years of teaching in New York City schools, I’ve witnessed an epidemic of various forms of rewarding failing and truant students with passing grades.

When I taught social studies at Hillcrest HS in Jamaica, Queens, back in the 1980s, I was always pressured by my department chairman and the principal to pass students who did absolutely nothing in class.

Teachers today are under pressure by the administra­tion to pass as many students as possible. Untenured teachers often fear they won’t be granted tenure if their failure percentage is too high, so they pass anyone in class who shows up. Robert Grandt


After the scathing report on Maspeth HS and seeing what takes place at the Department of Education, perhaps it’s time to “defund” the massive, bloated DOE and “reimagine” the whole system to one where it educates children in reading, writing and arithmetic without political or racial bias.

Brian Sullivan


So long as schools are held solely responsibl­e for student performanc­e as children and parents shirk their duties, there will be incentives to award credits to the undeservin­g.

If schools do not graduate students, they will face most severe sanctions. This is akin to a doctor being held responsibl­e for a patient’s weight — though she or he can advise, but the patient has to take corrective measures.

Why is it that politician­s on both sides of the aisle refuse to hold parents and the community to task for their role in their children’s education? Richard Kiley

Boston, Mass.

So we’ve gone a complete 180 degrees from the Joe Clark days with this fiasco at Maspeth HS. There is so much that is wrong with this egregious case that I’m not sure where to begin.

The school administra­tors and the teachers involved should be immediatel­y dismissed.

Where is the outrage from our public officials? How many students of every color have been handed worthless diplomas from these despicable “educators”?

Poor Mr. Clark, who commanded his staff’s and students’ respect, must be rolling in his grave.

Robert Falkenburg­h

Ballston Lake

Goodbye “reading, writing and arithmetic,” and hello “cheating, corruption and cronyism.”

It was reported that Masbeth HS created fake classes, fixed grades for failing students to graduate and counted students present and “passing” even when they were absent.

With the aid of two assistant principals, Principal Khurshid Abdul-Mutakabbir coerced teachers to pass students.

These highly paid phonies are guilty of “theft of services” from students, parents and New York City taxpayers.

Manny Martin


City schools have been a cesspool for way too long without any cleansing. It’s time for education to be taken from politician­s and union leaders and put in the hands of true educators.

It matters far too much to play games with children’s lives any longer. I say: “Charter schools for everyone!”

Gary Schwartz

Vernon, Conn.

Under Mayor de Blasio, the Department of Education has gone haywire.

Having said that, speaking from experience I can unequivoca­lly state that most kids know that their knowledge is nonexisten­t.

However, some of the in-denial parents don’t understand that their children are a flop. Part of raising kids is to work with them through their schoolwork — less and less each year, until they are self-sufficient.

Where are the responsibl­e parents, the responsibl­e teachers and the responsibl­e administra­tors of Maspeth HS?

Elio Valenti


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