New York Post

News OF THE World

- Conor Skelding


Tokyo’s Sunshine Aquarium’s new exhibition “Lots of Sex” is sure to attract those curious about the mating habits of marine life, SoraNews24 reported.

The show features anatomical models of deep-sea sex organs plus a “peeping room.”


Nathan Paulin, 27, crossed a slackline spanning the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower to the Chaillot Theater, a distance of a bit less than half a mile, according to CNN Internatio­nal.

Including a few stops to sit and lie down, the trip took the Frenchman just about half an hour.


The Royal Navy has named Daniel Craig — the most recent actor to portray 007 — an honorary officer.

He’s now a commander, James Bond’s rank.

The actor, who is set to star in the latest Bond flick, “No Time to Die,” wants to use his new status to help British military families.


Taiwanese anglers fishing by night still employ an ancient tactic to net tasty sardines: fire.

Men at sea use acetylene gas to ignite the end of sticks, with which make hundreds of fish leap out of the sea into waiting nets, CNN reported.

An indigenous people, the Basay, are said to have come up with the technique.


A macaque monkey in Karnataka state is on a vendetta against one villager, according to News18.

The victim, Jagadish, described how the terrorist primate bit his hand as he assisted forest officers in catching the loose animal, who had been stealing and threatenin­g children.

After a three-hour operation, with the monkey finally secured, officials dropped him off in a forest 14 miles away.

The monkey then hopped a truck and hitchhiked back to the village. “I felt a chill go down my spine when I heard that the monkey is back in the village,” the man said. Officials say he’s been caught and deported again, this time farther away.

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