New York Post


How President Biden is eroding Trump’s Abraham Accords and endangerin­g the US

- KENNETH R. TIMMERMAN Kenneth R. Timmerman is the best-selling author of “ISIS Begins: A Novel of the Iraq War.” He lectured on Iran at the Pentagon’s Joint CounterInt­elligence Training Academy from 2010-2016.

LAST week, Greece announced it would be sending US-made Patriot anti-missile batteries and soldiers to man them to Saudi Arabia, to replace US-manned Patriots the Biden administra­tion withdrew in April.

It was a momentous developmen­t in the rapidly changing geopolitic­al environmen­t of the Middle East, and received zero coverage in the corporate media in the United States. When Greece steps up to fill the vacuum left by a US pullout, it gives you a measure of just how far the United States has retreated from the world stage over the past nine months.

This is not the Greece of Alexander the Great, but today’s Greece. Nearly bankrupt just a few years ago, Greece has now replaced the United States as defender of the world’s largest oil producer. Ouch.

Team Biden has been upset with Saudi Arabia from day one. In February, they admonished the Saudis for their war against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in neighborin­g Yemen and cut off pending US arms deliveries to the Kingdom.

They also snubbed Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman for his involvemen­t in the grisly murder of

Washington Post columnist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, a Qatari-aligned Saudi dissident.

While the crown prince is certainly no angel, Biden’s decision to outwardly alienate the Saudis has realworld implicatio­ns.

With the US turnover of Afghanista­n to the Taliban, another Qatar-ally, a pattern is beginning to emerge: This administra­tion foolishly prefers Sunni Muslim jihadis and Iranian mullahs building nuclear weapons over traditiona­l allies of the United States who oppose a nuclear-armed Iran.

The dismissal of these allies could also be seen in the way Washington simply ignored the first anniversar­y of the groundbrea­king Abraham Accords negotiated by the Trump administra­tion and the government­s of Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco last year.

Presented to the public with pomp and ceremony by then-President Donald Trump at the White House on Sept. 15, 2020, no one in DC seemed to recall them just one year later.

The only official ceremony attended by a Biden administra­tion representa­tive was held at the United Nations in New York among UN ambassador­s.

While US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield muttered praise for the agreement, she “purposeful­ly abstained” from using the term “Abraham Accords,” according to the Times of Israel, and quickly turned to the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict. It was precisely the lack of progress in those talks — stalled for years because of Palestinia­n refusal to accept the Jewish state, curb terrorism and anti-Semitic teachings in government schools — that led Trump aide Jared Kushner to look further afield to widen the circle of peace.

Already in 2018, UAE leader Mohammad bin Zayed was telling American author and evangelica­l leader Joel Rosenberg that he wanted to “be the next” to make peace with the Jewish State.

In just one year, trade between Israel and the UAE has skyrockete­d, climbing from $51 million for the first seven months of 2020, before the accords, to nearly $614 million during the same period this year. And even though Saudi Arabia did not join the agreement, the Kingdom allowed Israeli and Emirati commercial jets to fly over its territory within weeks of it being signed.

These are not mere coincidenc­es, but part of a geopolitic­al worldview held by Team Biden that subordinat­es the security of the United States and our allies to self-avowed enemies such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and the newly reborn Islamic Emirate of Afghanista­n.

To its credit, the Biden White House — so far, at least — has not criticized Greece for helping Saudi Arabia defend itself from the Iranian missiles hitting its capitol. Perhaps National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is still trying to figure out how a tiny party island like Mykonos acquired Patriot missiles.

 ?? ?? Biden has distanced himself from the Saudis, snubbing Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (left), and shrugged at Trump’s peace accord between Bahrain, UAE, Israel and Morocco.
Biden has distanced himself from the Saudis, snubbing Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (left), and shrugged at Trump’s peace accord between Bahrain, UAE, Israel and Morocco.
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