New York Post


As a former social media addict, I know how these platforms destroy young lives

- RIKKI SCHLOTT Rikki Schlott is a 21-year-old junior at NYU.

AT age 11, I opened up an Instagram account. All my friends were there, so why not?

It started out innocently enough as I shared photos of sunsets and my dogs with a couple dozen followers. But, as Instagram became more ubiquitous and adolescenc­e set in, my experience morphed into something altogether different. I would lay in bed nightly, illuminate­d by the blue glow of my iPhone, just scrolling. The minutes — sometimes hours — would disappear as I browsed the highlight reels of everybody else’s lives. I began to idolize perfectly proportion­ed influencer­s, holding my developing frame up to photoshopp­ed ideals. My likes and my follower count became demented metrics of self-worth. Like any teen girl, I had my insecuriti­es and Instagram seemed only to exacerbate them.

As I looked around me, it was obvious that the most plugged in of my friends were consistent­ly the most anxious and insecure. It soon became clear to me that Instagram was not a force for good, so in high school I resolved to reclaim my youth by limiting my time on social media.

Because I’ve experience­d firsthand the toxic mixture of social media and adolescent angst, I was horrified by a recent Wall Street Journal exposé that revealed Facebook, which owns Instagram, knows its platforms are damaging to teenage mental health. Posted to the company’s internal message boards were damning statistics like “teens blame Instagram for increases in the rate of anxiety and depression” and “we make body image worse for one in three teen girls.”

Even with this data at hand, Facebook’s leadership failed to take action to mitigate its impact on the youngest generation.

The constant bombardmen­t of “perfection” has taken a particular toll on young girls, a demographi­c already prone to insecurity without the unpreceden­ted pressure of the digital age. In fact, 42 percent of Gen Z believes that social media degrades their self-esteem.

Meta-analyses by academics Jonathan Haidt and Jean Twenge have uncovered “associatio­ns between heavy social media use and bad mental health outcomes, particular­ly for girls.” As smartphone sales skyrockete­d, major depressive episodes rose by 57 percent among adolescent­s. Even Facebook’s own internal research revealed that 13 percent of suicide ideation among British teens and 6 percent among American teens can be directly traced back to Instagram usage.

And yet, with nearly half of the app’s users below 22 years of age, profits have blinded Silicon Valley to the flaws of its digital Frankenste­ins.

Facebook leadership demonstrat­ed its truly sinister intent in March of this year when the company announced plans to launch an

Instagram for kids, foisting their technologi­es onto younger and younger children despite the obvious consequenc­es.

Amidst a youth epidemic of depression, self-harm and suicide, there clearly is a moral imperative to stop the damaging trajectory of technology. But Big Tech has absolved itself of any responsibi­lity.

Therefore, we must resolve to take matters into our own hands.

As we come of age, it turns out Gen Z isn’t entirely full of mindless zombies contorting at the will of our algorithmi­c overlords. In fact, 61 percent of my peers say they are actively taking a break from social media, and 24 percent are considerin­g quitting entirely because of its negative impacts on their self-esteem.

Gen Z has sacrificed too many hours of our youth on the altar of Big Tech and its voracious pursuit of profit. Now, despite Silicon Valley’s best efforts to keep us hooked, more and more of us are seeking to reclaim our autonomy.

Life, many of us know, has so much more to offer.

 ?? ?? A Wall Street Journal investigat­ion revealed that Facebook, owner of Instagram, knows the photoshari­ng app can have severe negative impacts on body image for young women and girls.
A Wall Street Journal investigat­ion revealed that Facebook, owner of Instagram, knows the photoshari­ng app can have severe negative impacts on body image for young women and girls.
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