New York Post

Corden’s wilting humor

- Cindy Adams

JAMES Corden, a Britwit, likes karaoke not chrysanthe­mums. Gurgling in his car, yes. Flowers in his home, not. He declared roses, pansies, dandelions, orchids a waste. Flower shops are a great American story. 60,000 small businesses. This foreign weed wants them shut? Whathehell does he know? He’s a transplant growing his money in this country.

The floral industry’s upset. FlowerPowe­ reminds us “Flowers silently assure us that beauty and solace exist.” Veterans honor the dead with poppies. Lovers send roses to express love. Children honor Mother’s Day with them. Flowers unite a nation, a town, the world. Whatthehel­l does he know? What he earns here he’ll plant back in the old country from which his ancestors — and Prince Henry Markle — fled.

For his wedding anniversar­y, what’ll Cordon send the missus? A six-pack of Guinness?

No border lines

FORTY years ago Governor Graham asked President Ronald Reagan to stop 40,000 Haitians from migrating illegally into Florida. Dissatisfi­ed with Washington, Graham flew to meet Haitian dictator “Baby Doc” Duvalier. Niente. Didn’t help. The year before, 120,000 Cubans, part of Cuba’s “Freedom Flotilla” boat lift, arrived. Same same. Nothing changed. Now it’s the Haitian refugee problem on our Southern edge. Lotsa luck. This greatest country in the world needs border control to maintain our national identity.

“Change” is a word. It apparently has no meaning. It’s just a word.

Bill O’Reilly :“Biden says they’ve admitted about 12,000 Haitian refugees into the USA the last few weeks. They’re allowed to live here until granted an asylum hearing, which for many will be never.

Like they’ll show up in court? This immigratio­n thing is outrageous. He’s abandoned all laws in terms of foreign nationals. Biden and his ideologica­l cohorts don’t care what the law actually says.

Tigers, oh, my!

CHARGING at us is the follow-up series “Tiger King 2.” Knowing Netflix we’ll probably end up getting Tiger King 56 and, with our penal system’s new open door/free everyone policy, Joe Exotic might then be out of the can and, probably, in politics. Supposedly it includes chat with Exotic from prison but Carole Baskin said no to her closeup. She won’t growl in this one. Like the animals, info on the new series is currently locked up.

Pajama game

PRODUCER at Antoinette Perry Awards: “Thrilled Broadway’s back. But whothehell cares about attending the Tonys with no afterparty? I’d rather be home in my jammies watching the thing.”

IN Manhattan my car followed one whose NY license plate read: “Be nice to me. I could be your nurse.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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