New York Post

Soaring Crime, Blasé Pols


Murders are back up to last year’s recentreco­rd level, the NYPD’s progress this summer lost to a later surge. Subway crime is soaring, led by a 50 percent jump in grand larcenies and an 18 percent spike in robberies. But Mayor de Blasio remains . . . blasé, insisting he’s already fixed the subway by sending more cops undergroun­d.

“We surged NYPD officers into the subways over the last year, highest levels we had seen in decades, had a huge impact,” he said Tuesday.

His only concession to the rising-crime numbers: “We’ll make the deployment­s as needed to address any trend,” saying that’s “precision policing.”

Will they? You can only pull so many police from elsewhere without producing more hot spots above ground. It’s not like New York is jailing any but the hardest-core criminals these days, thanks to crime-friendly lawmakers and progressiv­e prosecutor­s.

Indeed, it’s all too likely that the pandemic suppressed an even greater rise in crime in the wake of the state’s insane no-bail law and other anti-enforcemen­t “reforms.” As Nicole Gelinas notes, during 2020, the city’s murder totals shot up “47 percent, to 468, from 319 the year before. That was the biggest oneyear increase the city has ever seen, by far.”

And it’s not getting better this year: So far in 2021, the city’s seen 382 homicides, one shy of the total for the same period last year. And the total for the last four weeks is actually 23 percent above the same month in 2020.

Some City Council members are starting to wake up, calling on the Legislatur­e to fix its overbroad reforms. And the next mayor will certainly add to the pressure.

But the Legislatur­e and Gov. Hochul are only making things worse, with foolish shifts like decriminal­izing the possession of drug parapherna­lia, such as kits for shooting up.

When crime started shooting up in the late ’60s, it took decades before New York got serious about turning things around. The silver lining: The city now knows from experience in the 1990s that it can be done — with enough political will.

If the politician­s don’t show that willpower on their own, the voters will have to do it for them

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