New York Post

Biden whiffs even on CNN’s softballs


PRESIDENT Biden entered into a CNN town hall with the opportunit­y to salvage his badly bleeding poll numbers in friendly network territory. And, oh my goodness, it seemed like everyone in the audience loved him. It’s incredible that his approval is only in the high 30s. The masked masses in the audience all seemed to think Grandpa Joe is fantastic. Biden’s assistant press secretary

Anderson Cooper set up the softballs like it was the toddler’s teeball game.

But we all saw through it. A president who has given only one sitdown interview since May walked into the most anodyne, prepared, safe space possible. And he still looked like a man who has no idea what he’s doing. No answers on massive gas prices, or empty grocery-store shelves, or China running rings around us. Sleepy Joe has no answers, and state media CNN doesn’t want any.

The best of Joe Biden is when he talks about his dad. That was a working man, a lot of us know that struggle, just making sure our kids are taken care of. That desire, as Biden puts it, for a little breathing room. But he doesn’t see gasoline prices coming down, he has no real plan for the supply chain. His legitimate­ly wonderful prose about his dad fell short when it comes to results on the price of bacon or Christmas presents.

Town halls are supposed to feature questions from concerned citizens. CNN’s effort clearly was intended to shield Biden from them.

And they did. The cross-section came from those who ran the gamut from Biden supporters to other Biden supporters. All criticism came from the left. And that’s the Biden administra­tion in a nutshell.

If you disagree with the great uniter, then you have no say. He doesn’t want to hear from you.

One question that wasn’t asked was if the border agents on horseback who didn’t whip anybody in Del Rio “would pay,” as Biden promised they would. No answers on that, on a president of the United States slandering his own border agents who did nothing wrong. You’re supposed to forget about that.

On the border, Biden said he has to return to Trump policies because the courts made him. Thank goodness. Biden’s answer to the border crisis is nothing. You’re on your own, Del Rio. Good luck.

Biden also stressed that he supports the canceling of Thomas Jefferson if localities want it. Incredible.

Bumbling Biden put his best foot forward. It wasn’t pretty. The man who supposedly ran as a centrist is so far to the left now that Fidel Castro would applaud. His attempt to pretend that his trillions of dollars of spending are just middle-of-theroad standard talking points is obviously a lie; the American people know this. Socialist, shortage-ongrocery-shelves, lower-your-expectatio­n Joe is our president. You get what you vote for.

 ?? ?? SO EASY, IT’S HARD: Anderson Cooper lobs easy questions at a befuddled President Biden Thursday night at a CNN town hall in Baltimore.
SO EASY, IT’S HARD: Anderson Cooper lobs easy questions at a befuddled President Biden Thursday night at a CNN town hall in Baltimore.
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