New York Post

No safety in return to lockdowns

- JONATHAN S. TOBIN Jonathan S. Tobin of

THE initial reaction from Dr. Anthony Fauci to the emergence of a new strain of the coronaviru­s pandemic elicited a collective scream of frustratio­n. When ABC News’ George Stephanopo­ulos asked him whether the Omicron version of COVID would prompt a return to devastatin­g lockdowns, President Biden’s chief medical adviser kept his options open, saying, “It’s really too early to say.”

Fortunatel­y, within a day, the administra­tion changed its tune. When Biden spoke about the Omicron variant on Monday, the president said that when he unveils a new “detailed strategy” for dealing with the disease, it will focus on vaccinatio­ns, boosters and testing and “not shutdowns or lockdowns.”

He’d better keep his word about that, and make sure fearmonger-inchief Fauci remembers it. The American people are weary from more than 20 months of heavy-handed and often ineffectiv­e measures that were supposed to keep them safe. The shutting down of ordinary life and commerce, as well as the schools, didn’t curtail the death toll — which on Biden’s watch has exceeded that of Trump — or prevent the virus from spreading and mutating.

The first duty of any government is to protect its citizens, but you don’t have to be a libertaria­n absolutist to have noticed that COVID has been a gift that keeps on giving when it comes to the desire of federal, state and local government­s to seize more power to deal with an emergency that never seems to end.

Part of the problem is that authoritie­s are focusing almost exclusivel­y on “cases” — the rate of reported positive COVID tests — rather than on the rate of hospitaliz­ations or, even more importantl­y, on the death rate from COVID.

NOTHING can stop a virus from spreading, but in places like New York City, where vaccinatio­n rates are high — approximat­ely 85 percent of adults have had at least one dose — the death rates have dropped even as infections spike or decrease. To even contemplat­e the possibilit­y of lockdowns based on cases rather than hospitaliz­ations or death rates is irresponsi­ble.

The reason it’s called Omicron is that it’s the 15th letter of the Greek al

phabet. Health officials have already gone through quite a few letters, although they skipped the 13th letter. “nu.” because it sounds like the English word “new.” The 14th letter, “xi,” was skipped so as not to remind us of the despotic leader of the country that gave the world COVID. The virus will continue to mutate through the alphabet, but if it follows the typical pattern, the variants will become easier to catch but much less deadly.

Instead of using this as an excuse for more authoritar­ian responses to the pandemic, our leaders need to start preparing Americans to learn to live with a problem that won’t go away but probably can be managed.

IF many of us are cynical about Omicron — and the South African doctor who first raised alarms about the new strain has stated that its symptoms are “unusual but mild” — it’s because we know that there is nothing temporary about government measures that are supposed to protect us from COVID.

In March of 2020, we were told extreme measures would merely last “two weeks to flatten the curve” of reported cases and hospitaliz­ations, but we saw them drag on for months only to be replaced by a complex, illogical and often contradict­ory maze of regulation­s about social distancing and masks. We also noticed that the rules enforced by authoritie­s when it came to ordinary citizens were often flouted by the politician­s who promulgate­d them, something that continues to this day, with Biden ignoring mask mandates that he demands others obey.

Most importantl­y, the lockdowns and school closures clearly did more harm than good. While they may have temporaril­y checked the spread of the virus, they also inflicted massive economic misery on the poor and the working classes, caused many with other health issues to neglect treatment, and imposed crushing isolation on the vulnerable. They also stole more than a year of vital education and developmen­t from our children while teaching them to fear contact with other people, the cost of which will only be fully understood in the future.

Unfortunat­ely, the pandemic has created an appetite for the sort of measures that can seem sensible to those who have become COVID fear addicts. But what we need from Biden and Fauci is less drama and more common sense. Encouragin­g vaccinatio­ns and booster shots is sensible. Whether Omicron is a serious problem or the health-care equivalent of a hurricane that doesn’t make landfall, the message they need to hear from Americans is that we will never again be cowed into accepting draconian abridgemen­ts of our freedom that won’t save us from disease but will badly hurt us in so many other ways.

is editor-inchief

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 ?? ?? WRAP IT UP: A traveler wearing full personal protective equipment prepares to fly out of Australia Monday as the Omicron variant threatens increased transmissi­bility of
the virus.
WRAP IT UP: A traveler wearing full personal protective equipment prepares to fly out of Australia Monday as the Omicron variant threatens increased transmissi­bility of the virus.

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