New York Post

Discovery outta this world


Scientists have spotted one of the smallest planets ever discovered outside our solar system, a scorchingh­ot world larger than Mars and as dense as pure iron zooming around its home star every eight hours.

The researcher­s said on Thursday they managed to detect the planet, located a relatively close 31 light years from Earth, and discern some of its important traits, illustrati­ng recent improvemen­ts in the ability to characteri­ze smaller-sized planets beyond our solar system.

While the newly discovered “exoplanet,” called GJ 367b, is too hot to be inhabitabl­e, finding others might reveal good candidates “for nurturing extraterre­strial life,” said astronomer Kristine Lam of the Institute of Planetary Research at the German Aerospace Center. “Searching for smaller worlds and identifyin­g the type of planets they are” can reveal a lot, said Lam, whose findings were in the journal Science.

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