New York Post

BDS ire at CUNY

Faculty vs. students


There’s an escalating war of words over Israel at the City University of New York.

The student government at the CUNY School of Law passed a resolution ripping the Mideast nation last week — prompting an enraged rebuttal from a group of faculty members who slammed the decree as demonizing Jewish students.

The Student Government Associatio­n demanded that CUNY sever ties with Israel and accused the school of being “directly complicit in the ongoing apartheid, genocide, and war crimes perpetrate­d by the State of Israel against the Palestinia­n people through its investment­s in and contracts with companies profiting off of Israeli war crimes.”

The group called for the school to terminate student exchange programs with Israel and to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against the nation.

The law students characteri­zed the exchanges as “propaganda” exercises that “normalize settler colonial and apartheid rule.”

That salvo was met with outrage from a group of CUNY faculty members, who argued that the group was attempting to stifle pro-Israel opinion and demonize Jewish students.

The Student Government Associatio­n’s language sought to “trash academic freedom by seeking to bar opinions contrary to its own from CUNY and its groups,” the faculty members wrote in their counter-missive.

Calling themselves the CUNY Alliance for Inclusion (CAFI), the educators ripped the decree for attempting to “shame” Jewish student groups into silence.

CAFI said that pro-BDS groups are pushing to exclude students

sympatheti­c to Israel from unrelated social justice causes like climate change and women’s rights.

“A frenzy of anti-Semitic vilificati­on of Israel under the cover of ‘anti-Zionism’ is sweeping American education and is metastasiz­ing into attacks on Jewish life in the United States,” their letter stated.

A CUNY faculty member said that tensions are reaching a boiling point.

“This debate has existed for decades here,” the staffer told The Post. “But it has never been this

bitter, this angry. I’m not sure the administra­tion knows what to do.”

Faculty members demanded that school brass take a clear position on the confrontat­ion.

In a statement Friday, CUNY officials told The Post that the school

does not support BDS and that individual groups had the right to express their views on Israel.

“The CUNY community is home to a great many membership organizati­ons that include students,

faculty and staff, and CUNY encourages dialogue, tolerance and civil engagement amongst our diverse community,” said a CUNY spokespers­on.

“As the Chancellor has said before, these organizati­ons speak for themselves and the opinions or positions they express are entirely theirs and do not represent the views of CUNY or the majority of the 300,000 members of our community.”

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