New York Post

Hizzoner’s low-crime fantasy


Lame duck Mayor de Blasio went on Fox News Sunday morning to boast about what a great job he has done “reducing” crime in the city.

“And we did it bringing police and community closer together,” he said with a straight face.

Stop gaslightin­g. Anyone who lives in this city knows violent crime is out of control, including terrifying subway and street attacks that ruin our quality of life. New Yorkers — especially women — are limiting their movements, if they’re not leaving the city altogether.

A typical snapshot of Hell’s Kitchen last week saw a homeless man give an elderly lady a casual shove as he walked by in broad daylight. Her head hit the gutter as she fell. A friend who came across the aftermath of the gratuitous assault went to find the closest police officers to give a descriptio­n of the assailant, but the cops couldn’t have cared less.

It’s hard to blame them. Left to hang in the breeze by Mayor Putz, cops have been stripped of legal immunity so now they can be maliciousl­y sued by anyone they arrest.

No wonder more than half the Big Apple’s cops wish they had never joined the force, according to a leaked internal NYPD survey obtained by The Post last month. About 80 percent of 6,000 respondent­s feared that fighting crime could lead to lawsuits, criminal liability or discipline charges, so many spend their days staring at their phones.

Arrests might be down due to a demoralize­d force, but the latest NYPD crime statistics show that major crime increased by 21.3 percent last month anyway, compared with November 2020. Robbery was up 24.1 percent and felony assault was up 11.2 percent.

De Blasio makes no mention of the $1 billion stripped from the police budget in his party’s Defund the Police orgy last year. Anyone this delusional needs to be in a straitjack­et, not gearing up for a run at the governorsh­ip.

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