New York Post

Votes for Noncitizen­s: A Slap to New Yorkers


I’m more than disturbed that the Democratic machine would give one of our most cherished rights to citizens of foreign counties — voting in New York City elections (“Noncitizen voting OK’d,” Dec. 10).

They have given us unabated crime, corruption in Albany, unsafe subways, mismanagem­ent of the COVID pandemic, streets that cannot be navigated, huge and burdensome business regulation­s and now a completed degradatio­n of our voting system, which Americans already lack confidence in.

Is the insanity of the Democrats so inbred that they’re willing to risk the very fabric of a oncegreat city and society?

They tell us that if we don’t like this voting bill, we can move. That statement in itself describes the mindset of these political anarchists.

Michael O’Brien Manhattan

The New York City Council has passed a bill to allow noncitizen­s to vote in local elections.

This means that citizens of other countries will be choosing city leaders.

Citizenshi­p should have value, and its greatest value is the right to vote for your leaders. It should not be diluted.

Mindy Rader New City

Leave it to the biggest do-nothing member of the do-nothing City Council to be the sponsor of legally uncertain legislatio­n — and at the 11th hour when councilmem­bers don’t have to defend their actions.

If you have the misfortune to live in Ydanis Rodriguez’s Upper Manhattan district, as I do, you’ve noticed his complete and utter lack of interest in any of the community’s real problems — drag racing, noise, 24-hour fireworks, crime, etc.

Forget getting any kind of response from his office or even being able to leave a message in his always-filled voicemail box. Instead, he and many others on the council have careers built on grandstand­ing and preening.

Thank goodness for term limits. It’s time for the whole useless, money-wasting council to go. Gerhardie Williams


In one of its most egregious affronts to date, the City Council has voted to allow noncitizen­s the right to vote.

This unconstitu­tional, anti-American edict is a collective middle finger to the majority of Americans who are adamantly against such privileges for noncitizen­s.

Displaying unbridled temerity, Rodriguez, among others, stated that anyone opposing this measure should leave New York.

Imagine the condemnati­on if a non-Hispanic white person had said that to him or any person of color.

Most Americans favor immigratio­n, but legal immigratio­n. The right to vote is a sacred privilege, and this decision by the City Council is a direct slap not only to natural American citizens, but especially to those that became American citizens via legal processes. James

McCaffrey Yonkers

It’s obvious that these City Council members do not represent or advocate on behalf of their constituen­ts, but rather the ridiculous agenda and narrative being pushed by their woke and reckless progressiv­e party.

Shame on Rodriguez for being intellectu­ally dishonest and arrogant. I suggest that he take a civics course and familiariz­e himself with the Constituti­on and legal voting rights.

And shame on those who support his asinine measures that circumvent legitimate legislatio­n and make a mockery of our voting rights and laws.

Theresa O’Brien Melville

This is the final, predictabl­e, “progressiv­e” straw to break the back of our democracy. It’s only New York City now, but craziness often starts locally.

If it becomes federal, maybe we can have people from China and Russia send in mail-in ballots! Hey, why not have other countries just elect our officials?

They can’t do much worse than we’ve done, a fact that’s confirmed by politician­s even considerin­g allowing noncitizen­s to vote here.

Niles Welikson

Williston Park

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