New York Post

What We’re For

Republican­s stand for more than you do, Joe

- MICHAEL R. POMPEO Michael R. Pompeo served as secretary of state, 2018 to 2021.

MR. President, you asked in your press conference last week, “What are Republican­s for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.” Unfortunat­ely, your cheap rhetoric is emblematic of your unwillingn­ess to obtain advice from anyone beyond your handlers. Mr. President, it is you who appears bereft of ideas to solve our nation’s crises.

Republican­s fight to preserve the American way of life and our traditions laid down in our founding documents. Abraham Lincoln was our party’s first president. Along with Martin Luther King, no single person in history fought harder for the freedom of America’s children. Republican­s comprehend that prejudice can never be fought with more prejudice.

Treating all persons as individual­s, not as part of a subset of Americans, is the means to vanquish group injustice. Though a stifling political class represses duty, honor, wholesomen­ess and faith, these traits are the heart of America: Their beat is strong for those who have ears to listen. We are for them.

Republican­s realize freedom is in jeopardy, for the self-anointed ruling class that bankrolls the Democratic Party to cloak their own greed does not understand liberty. These usurpers pocket the hard-earned money of citizens or print it, causing inflation, the most regressive of taxes. The cost of basic goods food, gas and shelter constitute the greatest proportion of wages for working Americans who do not have letters after their names.

Republican­s hold these truths: Liberty, as promised in our Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, is our birthright, but it is only possible under limited government; expansive government, acting recklessly, subverts individual agency and choice.

Republican­s believe that the free expression of faith and the sanctity of the American family are prerequisi­tes to happiness and its pursuit and to our nation’s enrichment. Any government­al program that circumscri­bes faith or hurts families is unacceptab­le, yet Democratic politician­s inflict a cascade of actions against these central institutio­ns, intent on substituti­ng

the veneration of an all-powerful state for our love of God and the blessings of those we hold dear.

Republican­s know parents and families are central to civilizati­onal success. We are for them, while you, Mr. President, seek to mandate that our children wear masks and are taught that our nation is predicated on a racist understand­ing of our founding.

Republican­s believe that we must reinvigora­te our schools and learn from history, not destroy it, and that parents should choose where their children are educated.

Republican­s believe that each life is precious and every person deserves respect, for each is a gift of God.

Republican­s believe that the free market is the engine of economic growth for America and all the world. True innovation and the unleashing of human potential are never accomplish­ed by dictatoria­l bureaucrat­s, who fancy themselves the creators of tomorrow, though they cannot manage the present.

Republican­s believe that we must preserve our environmen­t. American energy independen­ce is necessary to ensure clean air, clean water and the vibrancy of our heartland and cities, for abundant power is essential to create the jobs and the prosperity necessary to address environmen­tal concerns.

Republican­s believe, as George Washington did, that a strong defense is the surest means to secure peace, for timidity in the face of belligeren­ce invites conflict and, with it, the loss of life.

Republican­s believe that China is an existentia­l threat and cannot be trusted. Beijing hid the origin of a vicious plague, permitting it to reach every corner of the globe, killing millions and wreaking devastatio­n.

We must thwart China’s theft of American jobs and intellectu­al property. Communist China cannot be placated; it must be confronted and its deceits and crimes exposed, but this is impossible for an administra­tion that does not believe in American exceptiona­lism.

Republican­s hold that a pillar of humanity is nationhood: Those who seek to upturn it speak of a past that never was and a future that must never be. We must finish the wall because sovereignt­y matters.

Mr. President, you promised to burnish other nations’ respect for America, but you are the architect of the deadly and calamitous retreat from Afghanista­n that has both armed and invigorate­d our country’s enemies. Republican­s are for supporting friends like Israel, while you sit in Vienna with the butchers of Tehran negotiatin­g with theocrats seeking to destroy Jerusalem, the birthplace of our Abrahamic traditions.

US energy independen­ce is lost, for you put Russia and Saudi Arabia in charge, with predictabl­e results. Inflation is rampant, and our economy is in tatters.

Will you change course, sir, or will you preside over the collapse of our principles, our traditions and our civil society?

 ?? ?? Puzzled by many things: President Biden at his Jan. 19 press confab.
Puzzled by many things: President Biden at his Jan. 19 press confab.

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