New York Post

Protect the Public


‘It keeps happening and nobody does anything,” fumes Adam Pollack, 54, the live-in partner of the city’s latest subway shooting victim, Daniel Enriquez. He’s speaking for all New Yorkers. The Q train shooting was the fourth transit homicide this year — matching the total for the same period last year. Police are looking for Andrew Abdullah in the case; he has some 19 priors, including criminal possession of a weapon, assault, robbery and menacing.

The shockwaves from random deadly subway assaults that strike fear into the heart of every commuter could kill this city. Yes, mental illness is a prime factor, present in Frank James, the Brooklyn subway mass shooter, as well as the Jan. 15 perp accused in the death of Michelle Go.

But it’s not just mental illness. Nor does random death come just on the subway. Kyhara Tay, 11, was waiting outside a Bronx nail salon when a bullet fired (at a 13-yearold!) in a gang-war hit instead killed her. Cops last week arrested Matthew Godwin, age 15, as Kyhara’s shooter and ID’d the murder-moped driver as Omar Bojang, 18.

Democrats love to talk of “upstream” problems connected to race, education and economic opportunit­y that explain or even excuse crime. These are all worthy long-term challenges to pursue yet they are never-ending, they don’t address the very present crisis New York faces. But what makes a civilized society and safe city is a tough approach to tackling crime “upstream.”

What’s needed is a full-court press against all the forces of chaos, by all of law enforcemen­t. That includes DAs like Manhattan’s Alvin Bragg who refuse to prosecute fare-beaters and other early stages of disorder, as well as soft-on-crime judges like Bronx Supreme Court Justice Naita Semaj, who cut loose teen rapper C Blu in the shooting of an NYPD officer.

What’s needed is dismantlin­g the Raise the Age law, which leaves teens facing few if any serious consequenc­es for getting caught carrying guns, or even shooting them off: They’re overwhelmi­ngly dumped into Family Court, and rarely see any serious parole-type supervisio­n.

What’s not needed is cops only patrolling the subway vestibule instead of the platform; prosecutor­s refusing to follow the law; judges enforcing the most perpfriend­ly interpreta­tions of Raise the Age.

They all need to make protecting the public their top priority, or the random killings will only increase.

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