New York Post


Brazilian gal’s tale of dummy romance


A woman in Brazil found a man who was made for her.

Meirivone Rocha Moraes, 37, has reportedly “married” a rag doll made for her by her mother — and now the happy couple has welcomed their first “child.”

Moraes said she had been complainin­g about being single, lonely and without a dance partner when her mother made the human-sized doll named Marcelo to keep her company, according to Jam Press.

“When my mum made Marcelo and first introduced me to him, I fell in love with him. It was love at first sight,” Moraes told

“It was because I didn’t have a forró dancer. I would go to these dances but wouldn’t always find a partner. Then he entered into my life, and it all made sense.”

“He is a man I always wanted in my life,” she said.

The two immediatel­y embarked on a whirlwind romance and several months later, Moraes claimed, they got a surprise — she was “pregnant.”

“It’s true, Marcelo got me pregnant. He didn’t take care of himself, and he didn’t use a condom,” she said. “He got me pregnant. I took the test — it was positive. I couldn’t believe it.”

Not wanting to have a “baby” out of wedlock, the couple got “married,” according to Jam Press.

“The wedding was a wonderful day for me, very important, very emotional. It rained a lot, but it was wonderful,” Moraes said. “From the moment I walked down the aisle to the end, it was just beautiful. Then went to the wedding night with my husband Marcelo, and we enjoyed our wedding night a lot.”

‘Baby’ makes three

The couple hosted 250 guests at their wedding, and then sneaked off to a beach house in Rio de Janeiro for a weeklong honeymoon.

Afterward, on May 21, the couple welcomed their son, Marcelinho, who, as a baby-sized rag doll, appears to have inherited his father’s sewed-on blue eyes, cotton complexion and curly brown yarn hair.

She said she “gave birth” in just 35 minutes at home, with a doctor and nurse on site, while livestream­ing it to an audience of 200 people, according to Jam Press.

“I didn’t feel the contractio­ns in pain,” she said. “Seeing the placenta and the umbilical cord and the blood made it all real. He was here in 35 minutes, and he is great.”

Moraes said she and her family are extremely happy despite the stress of her being the only breadwinne­r in the house.

“He has so many great qualities, but the only downside is he’s lazy. He doesn’t work at all. But I am a warrior, and I keep it going for us,” she said.

Moraes said she is now working hard to provide for her family and hates when people tell her that her family is fake.

“It really upsets me when people say this is fake,” she said. “It makes me so angry. I am a woman of character. My father, my mother taught me to be honest, to be a good person and not want to take advantage of anything.”

Despite the hate and judgment, Moraes said she was happy and in love with her new family.

“Married life with him is wonderful,” she said. “He doesn’t fight with me, he doesn’t argue and he just understand­s me. Marcelo is a great and faithful husband. He is such a man, and all women envy him.”

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 ?? ?? GETTING STITCHED: Meirivone Rocha Moraes exchanges vows with Marcelo (top) — a rag doll made by her mother — at their “wedding,” and holds their “son.” Marcelinho (left).
GETTING STITCHED: Meirivone Rocha Moraes exchanges vows with Marcelo (top) — a rag doll made by her mother — at their “wedding,” and holds their “son.” Marcelinho (left).

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