New York Post

Home of the brave & proud

- Cindy Adams

JULY Fourth. Be a proud American until you’re red, white and blue in the face. Even Winston Churchill admitted: “Always count on Americans to do the right thing — after they’ve tried everything else.”

Ireland’s Bono: “America is not just a country, it’s an idea” . . . Mexico’s Lupita Nyong’o: “Dreams are the foundation of America.”

And Yanks like N. Carolina’s Julianne Moore: “In America there’s a place for everyone” . . . Minnesota’s Bob Dylan : “A hero’s one who understand­s the responsibi­lity that comes with his freedom” . . . NYC’s George Carlin: “I used to be Irish Catholic. Now I’m an American. You know, you grow.”

“Nothing makes you appreciate America more than when you travel. This is really heaven,” Maryland’s Gayle King . . . “Moment I get back to the US and customs looks at my passport and says, ‘Welcome home,’ it fills me with joy, pride and honor to be raised in our country,” Milo Ventimigli­a from California.

“When times get low Americans grow with love and we don’t shrink from hate,” Oklahoma-hatched Olivia Munn ... “This country helped define me and make my dreams come true,” Jim Carrey who’s from Canada.

“Greatest about American politics and American government is that the citizens have the most power in the civic process,” Texas’ own Eva Longoria ... “The reason I love America is it always tries to head in the right direction and even knows when it isn’t,” South African Trevor Noah . . . “My parents brought me to this country with nothing in their pockets but hope. They showed me what it means to work here and never give up,” Cuban import Camila Cabello.

And to prove if it ain’t in the USA it ain’t noplace, the 25th anniversar­y of Ireland’s “Riverdance,” which just did a 40-city North American tour, is tapping into N. Carolina’s Charlotte, Cleveland’s Ohio, Orlando’s Florida, Denver’s Colorado, New Jersey’s Newark and wherever in 2023.

Stars’ big ‘Winn’

DO NOT pooh on Disney’s “Winnie the Pooh.” It’s back at W. 42nd’s Hundred Acre Theatre. Even brought out Marilu Henner . . . JULY 8 comes more Thor. In “Thor: Love and Thunder,” Christian Bale plays charming Gorr the God Butcher and says, “It’s 10 years and still fun. Can’t shield my enthusiasm.” In it is most of Hollywood — Russell Crowe, Matt Damon, Melissa McCarthy, Bradley Cooper, Natalie Portman, Vin D. Basically if you’re not in this thing, fire your agent.

AMERICA. Land of equality — where everyone legit can become a taxpayer. Which produces more food than any other country and more inflation to keep us from eating it. Where we wear last year’s clothes and live on next year’s earnings. And where parents learn to obey their children.

Only in the USA, kids, only in the USA.

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 ?? ?? Camila Cabello’s happy for the opportunit­ies that the US gave her parents.
Camila Cabello’s happy for the opportunit­ies that the US gave her parents.

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