New York Post

Iran-Deal Ulterior Motives


It’s bad enough that President Biden continues his dangerous effort to resuscitat­e the Iran nuclear deal. Worse yet is the risk that the White House will settle for a worse-than-necessary agreement out of crass political calculatio­n, strategic imperative­s be damned.

The Biden version is worse in every particular way than the accord President Barack Obama produced in 2015. That pact emboldened Iran — the ultimate bad-faith actor — which frustrated serious nuclearfac­ility inspection efforts from the start and kept on with its worldwide terror campaign.

Fine: A renewed deal might delay by a year or two the day when Iran becomes a nuclear power, which no one except Tehran and its allies wants. But delay is the most it’ll do, since it would sunset in 2025.

And it’d free some $100 billion a year for Iran through sanctions relief, cash all too likely to fund terror — when Tehran already persists in attacks even in this country, including plotting to kill

Trump officials John Bolton and Mike Pompeo.

Tehran is testing how many more concession­s Washington will make to get a deal done, and America’s allies worry that the White House will give away too much just to be able to announce an agreement before the November elections.

After all, Team Biden is intent on providing as many distractio­ns as possible from inflation, crime and the wide-open southern US border, the issues driving Republican­s’ likely success on Election Day. An apparent “win” on Iran might even wipe away some of the lingering stain of the president’s disastrous Afghanista­n bugout.

As Biden’s outrageous student-loan giveaway last week shows, this White House is obsessed with scoring short-term political gains, no matter the far larger longer-term expense to the nation.

Bottom line: If Biden does brandish a deal before November, it’ll be probably be a sellout of America’s interests purely to boost his own party.

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