New York Post

Avalanche of stats buries the games


YOU’RE in Yankee Stadium, trying to watch the game, when the fellow next to you starts to spit out stats:

Batting averages and slugging percentage­s over the past eight games, the exit velocity grounders to short, players’ “slash lines,” OPS, WAR, batting averages with runners in scoring position, average pitches per at-bat, the pitcher’s percentage of change-ups, curve balls and cutters.

Enough stats, Michael Kay, enough! Put yourself in our position. Let us watch the game. It’s tough enough to find where or if the Yankees are on TV this season, so stop with the stats!

➤ I guess it’s OK with the governor and attorney general of Ohio that its largest state university, Ohio State, continuall­y grants full football scholarshi­ps and financial extras to “student-athletes” who, now educated and socialized, wind up before a judge at a criminal arraignmen­t.

Add former Ohio State cornerback Marcus Williamson, 23, to the list.

Last week in Memphis, Williamson, who played four years at OSU, was charged with kidnapping a woman, stealing her phone and wallet, then forcing her to withdraw $500 from an ATM. He was later collared driving the woman’s car. According to Ohio State’s 2021 football website, Williamson graduated with a degree in history. Last week he was held on an $80,000 bond.

Ohio State, ladies and gentleman, where football coach Urban Meyer was fired for covering for an assistant coach and buddy in the habit of battering his wife — not for recruiting then indulging young criminals as he’d done while coaching Florida — then taught a course titled, “Leadership and Character.”

It’s all a con. But woe to the broadcaste­r who even hints at such things when Ohio State plays on ESPN, Fox and NBC.

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