New York Post

A growth industry: 150G for 3 inches


Self-conscious tech workers are reportedly taking extreme measures to add a few inches to their height by forking over six-figure payments for painful leglengthe­ning operations.

Kevin Debiparsha­d, the head of the Nevada-based LimbplastX Institute, said workers from the tech sector make up a significan­t chunk of his patients for the cosmetic surgical procedure.

The operation reportedly costs $70,000 to $150,000, depending on how many inches the patient wants to “grow,” as well as thousands of dollars more in follow-up costs, GQ reported.

“I joke that I could open a tech company,” Debiparsha­d told GQ. “I got, like, 20 software engineers doing this procedure right now . . . I’ve got patients from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft.”

The process requires a painful procedure in which a doctor breaks the femur in each of a patient’s legs and inserts extendable metal nails. The nails are gradually extended over the next three months by one millimeter a day — eventually making the recovered patient several inches taller.

The surgery carries a lengthy recovery process that includes “relentless” pain that stretches the nerves, muscle and tissue of the legs to an “almost excruciati­ng degree,” according to GQ’s report.

One customer, identified as a 23-year-old Chicago-based software engineer named Alan, said he underwent the procedure after developing a deep insecurity about his height. A girl who he had a “a super big crush on, like, roasted me for it,” he said.

“Stature is such an important part, I think, of who you are and how you perceive the world and how the world perceives you,” Debiparsha­d said.

 ?? ?? Tall order
Tech industry men who feel they don’t measure up are dropping big bucks for painful leglengthe­ning surgery — which after several “almost excruciati­ng” months can increase their height by an inch or three.
Tall order Tech industry men who feel they don’t measure up are dropping big bucks for painful leglengthe­ning surgery — which after several “almost excruciati­ng” months can increase their height by an inch or three.

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