New York Post


Iranians hate the theocracy and its corruption

- Nate Sibley is a fellow at Hudson Institute’s Kleptocrac­y Initiative.

THE protests erupting across Iran are a reminder the theocratic regime holds power but not legitimacy in the eyes of many Iranians. Twenty-two-yearold Mahsa Amini’s death in the custody of the “morality police” has become a flashpoint not only over the hijab but for pent-up anger at economic collapse and the criminal regime’s impunity.

Most Iran policy discussion­s in Washington are concerned with confrontin­g its nuclear program and state sponsorshi­p of terrorism. This focus on urgent convention­al threats is understand­able, but it’s overshadow­ed another aspect of the country that presents both a threat and an opportunit­y for US engagement.

Russia is often thought of as the archetypal kleptocrac­y, a nation literally “ruled by thieves.” But Iran also suffers from staggering graft: Transparen­cy Internatio­nal’s latest report on public perception­s of state corruption ranked the Islamic Republic 150th out of 180 countries.

The fish rots from the head down. Within Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei oversees a shadow empire of huge parastatal entities and shell companies with billions of dollars in hidden assets. He uses these to dole out privileges and resources to supporters, entrenchin­g his despotic regime while locking ordinary Iranians out of economic opportunit­ies.

Like China’s and Russia’s, Iran’s kleptocrac­y isn’t confined to its own borders. In February, two senior Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps officers were recorded discussing how corruption and mafia relations help fund clandestin­e activities and military operations. The IRGC, with its proxy Hezbollah, has succeeded in establishi­ng a dangerous criminal enterprise that stretches from Venezuela to Russia.

In this way, the supreme leader and the IRGC have developed patronage networks that exert a strangleho­ld on Iran while spreading corruption worldwide. But a series of recent scandals suggests this system is finally spiraling out of control — not coincident­ally, just as the legitimate economy enters freefall with inflation surging more than 50% and widespread shortages of food, medicine and other basic necessitie­s.

Late last year, as Iran suffered the Mideast’s worst COVID outbreak, Khamenei barred the import of proven Western-made vaccines while regulators fasttracke­d one produced by a firm within his business empire. The vaccine was near useless, but Khamenei’s cronies cashed in.

In February, the agricultur­e ministry contracted with a private firm for the import of livestock goods that were never delivered, shortly before requesting the central bank transfer $735 million more to the company. And in May, a 10-story building’s collapse in Abadan killed 41 people, sparking protests against local authoritie­s that had enabled the developer to build an illegal structure with impunity.

These examples, all within the past year, provide just a glimpse of the pervasive corruption that’s crippled Iran. They’ve also tarnished the reputation of President Ebrahim Raisi, who campaigned on vows to curtail graft.

This sprawling kleptocrac­y may have enriched and entrenched the elite, but it also undermines the legitimacy of a regime that claims to govern with religious and moral authority.

Tehran continues to blame US sanctions for its economic woes. But it is regime corruption and mismanagem­ent, compounded by the dangerous and expensive pursuit of nuclear weapons and regional influence, that have imposed suffering on tens of millions of ordinary Iranians. They have made clear, at protest after protest, that they understand and object to the harm this corrosive system inflicts on their families and their country.

Unlike Russians, most Iranians are not inured to their leaders’ venality. It is time for Americans to listen — and to help.

Kleptocrac­y is sometimes portrayed as the Achilles’ heel of powerful authoritar­ian adversarie­s. Yet the targeting of Russian elites’ assets has not toppled Vladimir Putin, and “maximum pressure” campaigns in Iran and Venezuela have not dislodged those regimes (though they seemed to be working before the Biden administra­tion ditched them in favor of chasing deals with dictators). But escalating efforts to expose and target Iranian corruption at this critical moment could strengthen the resolve of protesters, demonstrat­e internatio­nal support for them and inspire other Iranians to join in opposing the regime.

America should prove itself a partner to the Iranian people by releasing as much evidence as it can about the regime’s illicit activities. It should also intensify efforts to identify and freeze regime assets stashed overseas.

This should be accompanie­d by an informatio­n campaign to help all Iranians understand just how much is being stolen from them. And Washington should assist on Elon Musk’s offer to deploy the Starlink satellite broadband technology that proved so effective in maintainin­g Internet coverage across Ukraine.

Iranians are not only protesting the theocracy that constrains them but the kleptocrac­y that impoverish­es them. It’s in America’s interests to help them defeat both.

 ?? ?? ‘Death to the Dictator’: Protests catch fire in downtown Tehran this week.
‘Death to the Dictator’: Protests catch fire in downtown Tehran this week.

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