New York Post

Missing NY’s Real Woes: Tish’s Trump Obsession


Message to Attorney General Letitia James: Former President Donald Trump is not the problem, crime is (“‘Art Of The Steal’ Lawsuit,” Sept. 22).

It’s hard to believe that we have politician­s who only care about power. Politician­s are supposed to serve the people.

Thousands have left New York and many more will be leaving because nothing is being done about crime, and the cost of living is ridiculous. We have taxes on top of taxes.

The New York scene is being run by the Three Stooges: Gov. Hochul, Mayor Adams and AG James.

All of you should resign. And I have a message to all New Yorkers — we need a change, so vote for Rep. Lee Zeldin for governor, and do not vote for Attorney General James. Owen Kelly

Valley Stream

James’ vendetta against Trump is flagrant political persecutio­n.

As the top law enforcemen­t official in New York, why is she not showing this same maniacal intensity when it comes to outof-control crime throughout the state?

Where is she on political corruption regarding former Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Where is she on Gov. Hochul’s pay-toplay scandals, etc.? James McCaffrey


The hit job continues. James’ totally partisan crusade to “get” Trump will persevere with no limits.

“Undervalui­ng his assets”? Is there a squeakycle­an company in New York that is 100% honest about its valuations?

When I see James pursue companies with Democratic leanings with the vigor she shows against Trump (if she even pursues them at all), I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Until then, this is a total witch hunt. Saul Mishaan


To Tish James: Thanks for wasting three years of time and taxpayers’ money on your personal pursuit of national stardom by taking down Donald Trump.

This is just another witch hunt, like the Mueller investigat­ion.

Why doesn’t James investigat­e the thousands of deaths of elderly nursing home residents, the corruption in the Hochul administra­tion or the rampant crime in New York City? Raymond Fontana


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Letitia James

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