New York Post

An Open Border With Senegal?


News that the first big wave of guests at Mayor Adams’ “Tentz-Carlton” are from Senegal exposes the utter madness of President Biden’s open-border policy: As word spreads, “asylum seekers” from across the globe will keep on coming, until this president, or his successor, finally bends.

We noted weeks ago that the mix of illegal migrants had grown beyond the waves from Mexico and the Northern Triangle nations. Last fiscal year alone, more than 730,000 migrants from the rest of the world crossed our border from scores of nations where heading to America seems an excellent idea.

And the idea that real asylum claims have a thing to do with it is a complete joke. All these 110-plus Senegalese, per the imam who’d hosted them, left home in West Africa after they “heard the border was open.” More: “Any time I ask them, all they are talking about is, ‘Border is open,’ ‘Border is open.’ ”

The mass migrations have vanishingl­y little to do with the “root causes” in the Northern Triangle that Biden & Co. pretend. Most of them just want a better life in the greatest nation in the world — and are delighted that our president gave the OK for them to jump the line ahead of everyone seeking legal immigratio­n. As one new New Yorker from Senegal happily put it, “We can stay as long as we want.”

It’s a replay of Europe’s 2015 migrant crisis, when Germany’s Angela Merkel opened the door, nominally to allow in refugees from the Syrian Civil War — and the tide rapidly grew to include migrants from dozens of nations. After enough political backlash, the European Union found a way to slam the door back shut, but the aftermath still roils politics from Italy to Sweden.

It’s another reason Nov. 8 seems sure to bring GOP control of Congress, followed by a drive to stop the madness at borders Team Biden keeps insisting are “secure.”

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