New York Post

Getting overly analytic on MLB

- Mushnickph­

MLB commission­er Rob Manfred claims that most everyone he speaks with loves the automatic secondbase runner come the 10th inning. That’s proof that he’s either full of it or doesn’t consort with baseball fans.

I’ve received hundreds of emails on the subject. Only one — just one — claimed to like it. Most recognized that it’s another capitulati­on to diminished skills and misapplied analytics.

Phillies manager Rob Thomson: “During the playoffs, I don’t [like it]. I think you play baseball.”

And that’s how it remains — for now. But, Thomson added: “When you get into one of those 17-, 18-inning games, you’re going through pretty much everybody out of your bullpen, and then you’ve got to start making player moves. And when guys have to be down 15 days and you just sent down three or four of your pitchers, you can’t bring them back. … You don’t want that.”

Understood. But why must managers use everyone in their bullpens? If effective relievers are allowed to continue pitching, as a matter of in-game logic rather “assigned innings,” games make more sense and are played faster.

Why should rules be different based on whether it’s the playoffs? As Thomson said, “You play baseball.”

➤ Keepin’ it real: That eight Michigan State players have been suspended for a vicious attack on Michigan players after their loss at Michigan, is what’s commonly known as a “gang assault,”a reflection on the recruitmen­t of “student-athletes.”

Of course, not that infuriated Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh was going to bring it up, but Wolverines recruits have a nasty habit for being arrested for various crimes.

Perhaps that gives new meaning to Michigan’s stadium as “The Big House.”

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