New York Post



STOP looking for a smoking gun. That’s not how this game works. Just as it did in 2016, the Democratic Party colluded during the 2020 presidenti­al campaign with FBI leadership, its like-minded transnatio­nal-progressiv­es in the loose-lipped community of current and former national-security officials and the media. The objective in 2020, as in 2016, was to try to drag a weak, deeply compromise­d Democratic candidate across the finish line.

The scheme worked in 2020 where it failed in 2016. A big part of the difference was Democrats and their collaborat­ors put major 2020 emphasis on social-media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, which had served Donald Trump well in 2016.

The result was the systematic suppressio­n of the Biden family corruption scandal: the staggering millions of dollars that are now known to have been poured into the Biden coffers from agents of such authoritar­ian, anti-American regimes as China and Russia and such corrupt ones as Ukraine. Joe Biden is in it up to his neck, although the mediaDemoc­rat complex continues branding the scandal as “the Hunter Biden probe.”

That is why the social-media platforms disappeare­d the New York Post’s explosive reporting about Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell,” to borrow the title of the essential book on the subject by The Post’s Miranda Devine.

Just don’t look for a smoking gun. We’re not going to see an FBI document that says, “Tell Twitter the Biden evidence is Russian disinforma­tion.” When the new Chief Twit, Elon Musk, released the so-called Twitter Files over the weekend, Matt Taibbi’s consequent thread of reporting observed there’s no evidence of a specific warning to socialmedi­a platforms that the Biden informatio­n was sourced to Russia or hacked. As Devine countered, however, there is significan­t evidence of FBI collusion in the scheme.

But it is not necessary for FBI officials to issue specific warnings to convey the message a story should be killed.

In these schemes, there are sophistica­ted actors in each camp, including former government officials in media and social media. When government officials do their nod-and-a-wink routine, these execs get the hint. The higher-ups at Twitter and Facebook knew the FBI wasn’t holding regular preelectio­n meetings with them idly. They would also have understood that when briefing private parties the FBI can’t accuse people of specific criminal misconduct. So it keeps things “general.” That, along with its perceived authority, allows it to get its accusatory message across but later deny it did so.

Such machinatio­ns would have been quite familiar to the likes of James Baker, the former FBI general counsel who was a top lawyer at Twitter in 2020.

We know what happened here. It started months before The Post reported on the laptop. In July 2020, congressio­nal Democrats became deeply concerned their nominee would be devastated by evidence gathered by GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson on the Biden family’s cashing in on Joe’s political influence. Grassley has recounted that the Democrats called in their friends at the FBI.

These included Timothy Thibault, the head of the FBI’s Washington field office, until he was forced into early retirement a few months ago over virulently anti-Republican posts on his social-media account. Also brought in was intelligen­ce analyst Brian Auten, though he was under internal investigat­ion over his role in deceitful 2016-17 Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act warrant applicatio­ns — the ones in which the bureau led a secret federal court to believe Trump was colluding with Russia.

As Grassley explains, Democrats persuaded the FBI to give a gratuitous briefing about evidence he and Johnson had amassed. Convenient­ly, Auten composed an intelligen­ce assessment that theorized the Biden evidence was disinforma­tion — even though much of it was based on suspicious activity reports financial institutio­ns filed.

The Democrat-generated FBI suspicions were promptly leaked to the media. By August, the Associated Press was reporting that US intelligen­ce agencies assessed that a Biden “narrative” Republican­s peddled could be Russian disinforma­tion.

The bureau is more guarded in so-called defensive briefings with private companies than in congressio­nal briefings. As Devine reports, though, the FBI was having regular meetings with Facebook and Twitter.

Did the FBI actually say the Biden evidence was Russian disinforma­tion? It clearly came pretty damn close. On Joe Rogan’s podcast, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook (now Meta) CEO, said Facebook restricted The Post’s Hunter Biden revelation­s due to an FBI warning that Facebook should be “on high alert” that “there’s about to be some kind of dump.”

It’s the same story with Twitter, whose inhouse lawyers got the same “Suppress it” message from the FBI. The files Musk released illustrate that Baker, the former FBI general counsel, was urging his colleagues that based on circumstan­ces suggesting “the materials may have been hacked,” it was “reasonable for us to assume that they may have been and that caution is warranted.”

“Caution” meant suppressio­n — just not in so many words. That conclusion was fortified Oct. 19 when 51 former national-security officials issued their gratuitous, evidence-free letter. They were careful not to come out and say the Hunter laptop was Russian disinforma­tion; but they did say more than enough for the Biden campaign, Democrats and social-media executives to connect the dots.

That’s how this game is played. The players know exactly what they’re doing. They say enough to endorse the lie but leave themselves room to deny that they did so. They think we’re idiots.

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