New York Post


Adams on gyno health


Mayor Adams declared Tuesday that it’s time to end the “taboo” and candidly talk about the “vagina” and women’s health.

“We can talk about erectile dysfunctio­n but not clitoral stimulatio­n — something’s wrong. Something is just wrong,” Adams said in his surprise vagina monologue of sorts at City Hall.

Hizzoner spiced up the conservati­on as his health team announced that the first-ever availabili­ty of abortion pills at city-run health clinics could deliver up to 10,000 medical abortions a year — under a new contract with a drug manufactur­er first reported by The Post on Sunday.

“The woman’s body is taboo. No one wants to talk about it,” Adams said. “I’ll never forget when I was talking about a menopause-friendly environmen­t in Brooklyn Borough Hall, and all the women came to me and said, ‘Please don’t mention that, don’t talk about it,’ ” he said of his time as Brooklyn borough president.

Adams’ deputy mayor for health and human services, Anne Williams-Isom, said she was thrilled with her boss’ vagina advocacy.

“The mayor came to me and said, ‘I think we have to talk about vaginas more.’ I was like, ‘What?!’

He never ceases to amaze me,” Williams-Isom said.

The mayor’s remarks drew some lightheart­ed humor from another man, city Health Commission­er Dr. Ashwin Vasan.

“I know I’m lacking a chromosome. This is why I was at the top of the stairs,” he quipped during the press conference inside the City Hall rotunda.

The mayor was surrounded by the city’s top female public health officials — including Zahirah McNatt and Dr. Leslie Hayes from the Health Department and Dr. Machelle Allen and Dr. Wendy Wilcox from NYC Health + Hospitals, all of whom spoke. The four health clinics to offer the abortion pills — mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l — will be located in Harlem, the Morrisania section of The Bronx plus Jamaica, Queens, and Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

Vasan claimed New York City will become the first municipali­ty in the country to offer abortion pills at its agency health clinics free of charge. Medical and surgical abortions are currently provided at the city’s public hospitals.

“These four sites can deliver up to 10,000 medical abortions a year, and that’s on top of what our public hospital system already does,” Vasan said, adding any woman from across the US can access abortion tablets at the city clinics.

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