New York Post

Lander Earned That Slapdown


Mayor Adams is 100% correct to call out slimy city Comptrolle­r Brad Lander after Lander criticized Adams’ weekend trip to the border as a tide of migrants overwhelms his city.

“The people of this city have been going through this for months, for months, and his first communicat­ion was a week ago,” marveled the mayor. “You’re the comptrolle­r, you should be concerned about the financial hit our city is seeing” and “be writing letters with me and going to DC.”

Lander sneered (from his campaign Twitter handle, no less) on Sunday that the trip risked “reinforcin­g a harmful narrative that new immigrants themselves are a problem.”

Narrative? Tens of thousands of migrants with no way to support themselves are a problem — and not because Adams is a closet xenophobe. Lander may see them as useful props, but they’re living, breathing people who need shelter, food and schooling. Per Lander’s estimate, that’ll cost New York billions.

Monday, the mayor thundered of “the madness of people telling me I shouldn’t go speak to my fellow mayor in El Paso to deal with a crisis that the national government is supposed to be dealing with.” Without naming Lander, he added: “Stop running for office and do the office you got now.”

Damn right. Lander should be fighting tooth and nail on the same side as Adams, doing whatever it takes to staunch the flow and/ or get the resources to handle it. But the comptrolle­r’s real concern is running for office — Adams’. So he’s spinning up his base.

Biden’s border disaster has cascaded into tragedies across the nation. Lander knows this, but speaking that truth is taboo for leftleanin­g Dems. (Indeed, refusing to face the realities of illegal migration is how we got here.)

As long as Democrats stick with Lander in deep denial, the problem can only go from bad to worse to catastroph­ic.

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