New York Post

Silencing Their Critics: Dems’ Soares Disinvite

- Yonkers

Your article featuring Albany County District Attorney David Soares’ insightful perspectiv­e on the carnage caused by bail reform was fabulous (“NY Bail Laws a Bust,” David Soares, Feb. 20).

Shame on state Senate leader Andrea StewartCou­sins and her posse of misfits for revoking the invitation to Soares, an African-American Democrat, to speak because he would not parrot their woke agenda. It’s time we revoked qualified immunity for politician­s like Stewart-Cousins who go unpunished just like the criminals she helps set free every day.

Hugh Ward Greenwich Village

This past election seemed to offer a realistic chance for Rep. Lee Zeldin to begin New York’s long, hard climb out of a dystopia created by years of radical, destructiv­e policies. When his worthless opponent somehow prevailed, that hope was extinguish­ed.

DA Soares’ hard truths being shut down by soulless, spineless radicals is no surprise at all.

David Perez


Kudos to Soares for having the courage to speak truth to power.

Soares, an AfricanAme­rican Democrat, has the legal and political chops to tell Albany politician­s that their insane bail laws are devastatin­g the very communitie­s they were intended to serve.

That Soares was disinvited from giving this speech to the state Legislatur­e and that it had to be read into the record by someone else proves how dangerousl­y closedmind­ed our politician­s are.

Poisoned by their perverse ideology, they prefer sacrificin­g New

York’s poorest on the altar of woke dogma over protecting them.

Every legislator who voted for and continues to support this obscene scourge should be impeached and removed from office, or voted out in the next election cycle.

Their trashing of public safety, particular­ly endangerin­g minority communitie­s, makes these individual­s hideously unfit for office. Stuart Ellison


Our legislator­s in Albany have never been called on the carpet for the chaos they’ve created with our insane bail laws, and they continue to stick their collective heads in the sand and be unaccounta­ble to the people they serve.

They uninvited Soares from speaking at a Senate hearing on crime because they couldn’t stand taking valid criticism from one of their own.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie doesn’t answer questions from The Post because he claims The Post doesn’t show him respect. The truth is, Heastie he doesn’t have answers.

Innocent people of all races are being brutalized, businesses are being destroyed, and we have

never been presented with a sound argument for how these idiotic laws are benefittin­g us.

Heastie, you get respect when you earn it — not when you fail to be accountabl­e for the crime boondoggle you were instrument­al in creating. Matthew Veralli


Soares was not allowed to give his speech against bail reform because it was contrary to what the Democratic state Senate wanted to hear. It seems his data did not match their data.

Bail reform and our socalled representa­tives have failed the law-abiding citizens of this state. Who does it benefit that we have the same repeat offenders committing a long sheet of crimes?

Soaring crime has brought fear to New York. Political indifferen­ce toward this crime has instilled an even greater fear.

Not only is DA Soares’ voice not allowed to be heard, but our voices are being ignored.

Tony Giametta


I totally agree with Soares in regard to the leniency by Albany pols — such as that ultra-liberal nightmare, state Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who, along with her misguided colleagues, is turning New York City into a toilet.

In addition, our socalled governor has done absolutely nothing to let this train-wreck continue with her stupidity.

Vote these louts out. They have personal security personnel 24/7. The average citizen has none.

Ralph Manente

 ?? ?? David Soares
David Soares

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