New York Post

Bidding on the Bidens: Hallie’s China Payday

- Philip Vallone Ossining

Another revelation that someone with the last name “Biden” received money (for what, we don’t know) from a questionab­le foreign source (“Spreading the wealth,” March 17).

Are we now to believe that Hallie Biden, daughter-in-law of the current president, had expertise to offer a Chinese energy conglomera­te?

Why is it that this particular family is allowed to have so many shady side-deals from which they draw funds?

Is the American public ever going to smarten up and demand full accountabi­lity about Hunter and his father’s back-room deals? Or are we just going to continue to play along while they feather their nest? The truth always comes out in the end. Actions don’t lie.

Betsy Flor Putnam Valley

Biden’s political career has been one long voyage of deception, dishonesty and in-your-face violation of the public trust.

Ditto for the mainstream media, which covered up and refused to acknowledg­e these obvious misdeeds as they began to surface several years ago.

Things have gotten so bad during this man’s tenure, and yet we hear nothing about impeachmen­t. This Biden story is getting old and tired, like him. God help America. Jerry Chiappetta


This is why they don’t want to leave. The benefits of being a career politician are the side hustles, contacts and associatio­ns that lead to greater financial rewards.

Even Biden’s daughterin-law was given a piece of the action. Were they auditionin­g for a remake of “All in the Family”? Tony Giametta


What happened to the mainstream media? It truly looks like they are puppies in the Biden house.

There has been no reporting on any of the horrible things happening to Americans or the corruption going on with his family.

It certainly was different — and still is — with the former president. Could you imagine if 45’s son had these problems? Remember what a big deal it was when foreign diplomats stayed at one of his hotels in Washington?

 ?? ?? President Biden
President Biden

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