New York Post

‘Effin’ Musk rips ad buyers


Billionair­e Elon Musk told advertiser­s who have fled his social media platform X over antisemiti­c content to “go f--k yourself” in a fiery Wednesday interview.

His profanity-laced remarks followed a moment of contrition in a New York Times Deal Book Summit interview, as he first said “I’m sorry” for a tweet that agreed with an anti-Jewish post on X on Nov. 15.

Musk has faced a torrent of criticism since on Nov. 15 he agreed with a user who falsely claimed Jewish people were stoking hatred against white people, saying the user who referenced the “Great Replacemen­t” conspiracy theory was speaking “the actual truth.”

On Wednesday Musk said he had “handed a loaded gun” to detractors, describing his post as possibly the worst he had made during a history of messages that included many “foolish” ones.

The Tesla CEO bristled at the idea that he was antisemiti­c and said advertiser­s who left X, formerly known as Twitter, should not advertise on X — and should not think they could blackmail him.

“Go f--k yourself,” he said. Asking if that was clear, he added “Hey Bob,” an apparent reference to Robert Iger, chief executive of Disney, which pulled its X ads. Iger spoke earlier at the event.

Musk’s comments came on the same day Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warned that the rise in antisemiti­sm has reached a crisis point.

 ?? ?? ELON MUSK Direct remark amid X-odus.
ELON MUSK Direct remark amid X-odus.

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