New York Post

Piers tips two royal ‘racists’


PIERS Morgan is living up to his show’s name.

On yesterday’s episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” the British broadcaste­r revealed the names of the two royals who allegedly had “concerns” about the skin color of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son, Archie, which were accidental­ly included in Dutch copies of Omid Scobie’s new royal biography.

According to Morgan, the names are King Charles III and Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William, Harry’s older brother.

In “Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival,” Scobie claims Markle, 42, wrote private letters to Charles and named two royals who took part in alleged “troubling” conversati­ons surroundin­g her and Harry’s then-unborn son’s complexion.

In the English version of the book — which covers the state of the British monarchy following Queen Elizabeth II’s death in September of last year — Scobie does not name the family members due to libel laws in the UK.

However, the Dutch translatio­n released in Holland had the names printed. The publisher there, Xander, confirmed Tuesday that it received a request from the US to abruptly halt sales of the book.

The published passage reads, “Even after Meghan and Charles by letter discussed probable unconsciou­s bias within the family after it was revealed that [redacted] took part in such conversati­ons about Archie, [redacted] has avoided discussing the subject with [redacted].”

Morgan, 58, explained to his viewers that although he doesn’t “believe any racist comments were ever made by any of the royal family,” he felt that his fellow citizens had a right to know the informatio­n.

“Frankly, if Dutch people wandering into a bookshop can pick it up and see these names, then you — the British people here, who actually pay for the British royal family — you’re entitled to know, too.”

Reps for the royals didn’t get back to us.

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