New York Post

Biden Denials Shrink Again


Hunter Biden just moved the goalpost again on the central question of his dad’s role in his global influence-peddling business: Joe, he now says, wasn’t “financiall­y involved.”

President Biden himself already shifted from claiming he “never discussed” and had “never spoken to” Hunter about his dealings to insisting he wasn’t “involved” in his son’s business. Now we’re down to “not financiall­y involved.”

Which means what, exactly? Is this an admission that, yes, Joe did gladhand at dinners and get on the phone to help Hunter sell his proximity to power? That no Hunter client ever paid Joe directly?

Hunter drew the new line while posturing instead of showing up for a closed-door deposition; he says he’ll only give sworn testimony at one of those on-camera House hearings that consist mostly of politician­s letting witnesses off the hook by vying for every possible “Me! Me!” second on-screen.

That is, he wants to give as little evidence as possible. Yet the evidence is already beyond damning: Testimony from Tony Bobulinski and Devon Archer — bolstered by photos and other records — shows that Joe met with dozens of Hunter “clients.”

Bank records show that overseas cash flowed (via dummy companies) to most of the Biden family — which actually does count as a legal benefit to the family’s head.

Some payments went on to Joe himself, with the checks marked as “loan repayments” but no sign yet of any actual loans.

Archer swears his entire business with Hunter centered on selling the Biden brand; Bobulinksi, that the “Big Guy” who was to get 10% of a huge China deal was indeed Joe.

And the Obama administra­tion didn’t want Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired back when then-Veep Joe demanded it, saying millions in US aid was on the line — but Hunter’s Burisma paymasters wanted Shokin gone since he was investigat­ing them.

What were once blanket denials are now full of holes; at this rate the only excuse is the end will be a claim that the House shouldn’t impeach a sitting president just because he abused the office of vice president to enrich his entire clan.

Seriously: That’s where all the goal-post moves are headed.

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