New York Post

Defund This Woke Latino ‘Museum’

- MIKE GONZALEZ Mike Gonzalez’s last book was “BLM, The Making of a New Marxist Revolution.”

FUNDING for the Smithsonia­n’s Latino Museum is in limbo as both parties wrangle over budget spending — and there it should stay until Congress can repeal its enabling statute entirely. Who’d oppose a museum? For starters, anyone whose conscience­s have been awakened by the sight of anti-Israeli demonstrat­ions since Oct. 7. Americans are discoverin­g that teaching new generation­s to look at life through the “oppressor vs. oppressed” prism, as the museum does, has been a horrendous mistake.

That’s why Republican­s cut funding for the museum in November. Yet some Republican­s and Democrats have openly discussed the future site of the Latino museum with Smithsonia­n Director Lonnie Bunch.

Some seek a compromise. They tell me they can make the museum a model for all tdhe future Smithsonia­n museums that will be erected for each “marginaliz­ed” group (yes, Republican­s speak this way in private). In September, a bill called for an LGBTQ museum on the National Mall.

But the curators the Latino Museum hires make it clear they mean to turn the Latino museum into another woke-indoctrina­tion camp, which is what the other museums would be, too. The statements of the museum’s director, Jorge Zamanillo — touted by some Republican­s as a savior — also inspire no confidence.

The record of the museum’s first exhibit, already on display elsewhere on the National Mall, has been itself disgracefu­l, elevating leftist ideologues and transexual activists while ignoring the everyday experience of Hispanics. Listen to Johanna Fernandez, whom the Smithsonia­n hired in 2020 to curate what was going to be the Latino Museum’s second exhibit. She worked for two years on the exhibition until Zamanillo yanked it, fearful that it would attract further negative coverage.

Fernandez has identified an entire category of oppressors: Florida’s Cuban-Americans. In comments published recently by Madrid’s ABC, Fernandez painted with a wide brush.

“These Cubans were literally part of the dominant class in Cuba that supported a dictator and were in favor of the prolongati­on of slavery in Cuba. Slavery ended late in Cuba . . . . So, these people are part of a dominant class that is autocratic and dictatoria­l and predominan­tly white. They came here and were welcomed by the US government in the midst of the Cold War. Everything was given to them. They were immediatel­y granted US citizenshi­p.”

These Cuban bad hombres, added Fernandez, are working with the Heritage Foundation in a “deliberate intent to mold the historic narrative at its convenienc­e, minimizing and even censuring Latin history.”

Ahem. I work at Heritage, have been among the leaders of the campaign to expose the museum and was born in Cuba (though I came here as a minor half a century ago). So excuse me if I feel somewhat included. It would take far too much space to rebut all these unhinged calumnies point by point, so suffice it to say my family had a distinguis­hed history of battling Fulgencio Batista (the dictator Fernandez mentions).

Fernandez has the mindset that produces Hamas-embracing kids. Yet Zamanillo is no better. The museum’s first exhibit doesn’t just display an anti-American bias, but animus against Spain and the Catholic Church. A group of Spanish citizens wrote to Zamanillo last year expressing their concerns. His reaction? He treated them like an insolent rabble whom he had to put in their place.

The exhibit would emphasize only the suffering of the colonial subjects, “without centering explorers, conquistad­ores, and missionari­es,” wrote Zamanillo in the language of the woke art-history world.

The exhibit, said the letter (a copy of which I possess), intentiona­lly showed only “historical injustices” such as slavery, “the creation of social hierarchie­s” and “U.S. Manifest Destiny.” In other words, there is to be no full picture that explores all of history and its artifacts. It will be oppressor vs. oppressed in black and white.

The museum, official namd the National Museum of the American Latino, is a political project. It aim to teach the future generation­s to see themselves as victims of America, so they can destroy it from within.

Hispanics are now 60 million strong, so that would make for a lot of aggrieved people. The bill that approved its constructi­on — along with a women’s museum — was tucked into the gargantuan 2020 omnibus bill that President Trump saw no option but to sign.

The legislatio­n can, and must, be repealed. Keep the thing defunded, until it is possible to do so. Otherwise, the Mall will have to be renamed Grievances Row.

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