New York Post

Quit Thowing Smoke, Joe


As John McClane put it in “Die Hard,” “Welcome to the party, pal”: Progressiv­es are at long last starting to acknowledg­e the disaster of President Biden’s open-border policy. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson just admitted the obvious: It’s not just his town slammed by the border madness; “it’s the entire country that is now at stake.”

Plenty of voices have warned as much for nearly three years now — only to be denounced as bigoted, heartless and/or hysterical­ly overreacti­ng.

Johnson spoke at a joint online press conference with Mayor Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston, all calling for the migrant crisis to be classified as a federal emergency — a plea from three Democratic mayors that would’ve been inconceiva­ble not long ago.

Yes, their ask is simply for major cash to handle the illegal masses. Still, Democratic screams in towns far from the border are ample proof that the (mostly) Republican­s sounding the alarm these last 30-plus months were completely right.

Letting in every comer who knows enough to cry “asylum!” is indeed a nightmare for the entire nation — with ever-more illegal border-crossers coming not just from Latin America and the Caribbean but Africa, Russia and China. With none of them bothering to seek asylum in the nations they pass through on the way, as US law requires — because they’re not fleeing oppression, but seeking economic opportunit­y here.

Open-borders lefties believe that should be enough; the only “solution” they’ll entertain is to legalize the law-breaking.

Even the Democratic Congress of the first two Biden years wouldn’t do that. Instead, the White House pretended the law requires mass “parole” and blames Republican­s for blocking that suicidal “solution,” along with all the “racism” and “cruelty” name-calling.

Throwing smoke doesn’t change the reality on the ground — which eventually becomes so undeniable that even a master of denial like Brandon Johnson can’t miss it.

Yet Biden still offers nothing but empty gestures, like sending two top officials to huddle with Mexico’s president to produce an empty “agreement” that does nothing to stem the tide, indeed deepens the crisis by holding out fresh hopes of mass legalizati­on.

Remember Abe Lincoln’s wisdom, Mr. President: “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

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