New York Post

Men win travel of the sexes

Better navigators: study


It turns out some stereotype­s are true — at least according to one study.

When it comes to navigating, men really are better than women at finding their way — but it has nothing to do with a biological advantage, a new study found.

Researcher­s at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign found that the strength of an individual’s wayfinding ability comes from the way they were raised.

Nature & nurture

Society encourages boys to play outside more frequently than girls, allowing them to develop their navigation­al skills from a young age, researcher­s theorized.

“Sex difference­s in behaviour or performanc­e can arise from biological or cultural processes that have little to do with evolution,” the researcher­s wrote in the paper, published Wednesday in The Royal Society.

The study compared the wayfinding abilities of males and females across 21 vastly different species — including otters, frogs, horses and, of course, humans.

The people were tested through virtual reality and by navigating through a real-world city with either only a map in hand or with verbal instructio­ns.

While females tended to travel farther from their homes, they ran into more problems than males.

“Males outscore females in a statistica­lly significan­t way in many spatial tasks, to varying degrees, with a small to moderate meta-analytic effect size in tasks directly related to navigation,” the study states.

The results were consistent across the team’s large sample size of people, from a mix of economic and cultural brackets.

The conclusion flies in the face of previous misconcept­ions that men had evolved to a stronger sense of spatial awareness.

Research previously assumed men’s navigation­al strength grew from ancestral history as hunters, whereas women stayed closer to the home as gatherers.

The notion was disproved by a smaller study done by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researcher­s in 2013, but did not answer why there was a difference in spatial awareness between genders.

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