New York Post

China’s Still-Reckless Labs


China’s virologist­s are at it again, shamelessl­y playing with a new coronaviru­s that’s 100% lethal in human-transgenic mice. What will stop this madness?

Scientists at high-level labs in Beijing and Nanjing pumped mice (their genes altered to resemble human ones) full of a lab-cultivated COVID cousin. Every mouse thus infected died an agonizing death.

Worse, experts fear that the labs lack adequate biosafety measures — since the Chinese researcher­s’ initial report of their findings specify nothing about safety measures.

Responsibl­e science, this isn’t: Says Francois Balloux, an epidemiolo­gy expert at University College London, “I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanized mice with a random virus. Conversely, I could see how much stuff might go wrong.”

Hand him the Understate­ment of the Year award. The researcher­s themselves suggest what “might go wrong”: “a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans.”

Hmm. Maybe stop playing with fire before you start another global conflagrat­ion?

Look: While we’re unlikely to ever know the real origin of COVID for sure, the balance of evidence strongly points to accidental release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology due to lax safety protocols.

That view, now shared by the US government, certainly explains the behavior of China’s autocratic regime: destroying all records from the lab and imprisonin­g doctors who sounded the alarm.

And that this new research is taking place at all, with the scientists comfortabl­e announcing their findings to the world, shows China’s recklessne­ss even post-pandemic.

Getting Beijing to clamp down on such insanity ought to be a top priority for every world-health authority, and indeed every other government.

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